Can someone explain to me how to get breakpoints and debugging of a basic ASM hello world application to work with CEmu?
This is a sample .lst file
I have a tried adding a breakpoint for address D1A881 and nothing seems to `break`, am I missing something?
Is there a way for me to see the assembly code that is running when my application is running?
This is a sample .lst file
1 00:0000 - - - - #include ""
Listing for file "src/includes/"
Listing for file "src/string.asm"
2 00:0000 - - - -
3 00:0000 - - - - .assume ADL=1
4 00:0000 - - - - .org userMem-2
5 D1:A87F EF 7B - - .db tExtTok,tAsm84CeCmp
6 D1:A881 CD 28 08 02 call _homeup
7 D1:A885 CD 10 08 02 call _ClrScrnFull
8 D1:A889 - - - -
9 D1:A889 21 96 A8 D1 ld hl,MyText
10 D1:A88D CD C0 07 02 call _PutS
11 D1:A891 - - - -
12 D1:A891 FD CB 00 AE res donePrgm,(iy+doneFlags)
13 D1:A895 C9 - - - ret;
14 D1:A896 - - - -
15 D1:A896 - - - - MyText:
16 D1:A896 54 68 69 73
20 69 73 20
61 6E 20 65
78 61 6D 70
6C 65 20 6F
66 20 73 6F
6D 65 20 74
65 78 74 00 .db "This is an example of some text",0
I have a tried adding a breakpoint for address D1A881 and nothing seems to `break`, am I missing something?
Is there a way for me to see the assembly code that is running when my application is running?