Hey there Roy, in a way I'm glad you didn't post in our general introduction thread because this gives us the room to explore your options a bit!
- What kind of games are you guys trying to port?
- Calculator games? Such as TI-83 to TI-84 CE?
- Flash to Calculator?
- Mobile to Calculator?
- What experience do you have with programming?
- You say you're new to programming, but have you at least explored TI-BASIC a bit?
I honestly thought I'd make a longer list than that but I'm sure others will think of other questions to add! My suggestions, start basic. Create a program that solves math functions, create other programs that'll be more complex but equally static such as a
Money Manager or Grade Manager, both of which I've made. Move up to a basic movement puzzle to practice movement and collision detection. Then add in physics, so the character has momentum and even bounces. That'll cover beginner and intermediate things in my opinion.
Once you grasp the concept of programming you can start to understand what's involved in porting something over. You'll be able to think in sections and break programs down to core blocks. If you think of a program as a giant project, you're going to get disinterested, whereas if you think of it as tinier projects that make up a whole you'll be able to see better progress.
Secondly, some site promotion!
We have some
fliers you can hand out at meetings. As you guys get a larger group in the club devote more people to porting programs. Assign people certain sub-projects for the larger project at hand. You guys can all collaborate here by using
SourceCoder 3 to write programs from your computer. You guys can dump your ROMs and use
jsTIfied to run programs as well. Combined with our members knowledge, we can certainly help you guys in just about any capacity.
You can use our contests as basis for club contests as well. We run a contest, assign that contest to your club and encourage them to upload here as well as submit the programs to you. They'd basically get two shots at winning; through the judges at Cemetech and the judges in your club.
If you're willing to spend some money, there are
books that will help you along your journey of programming on Texas Instruments calculators written by our own KermMartian.