Over the last month or so, I have been working on a project which requires executing code in the high portion of memory ($C000-$FFFF). While the hardware on an actual TI-83+ usually keeps code from being executed up there, I used a routine I found online to disable that.
Despite the high RAM being unlocked, WabbitEmu does not seem to care. When the program counter reaches up that high, WabbitEmu halts the calculator and dumps me into the debugger. From there I can manually step through the program without issue (the calculator doesn't crash or anything), but I can't seem to make it run on it's own.
Does anyone know how I can disable this? If not, what other emulators do you recommend? I tried the online JS emulator and VTI83, but neither seem to work well enough.
Here is the code that I use to unlock the RAM
EDIT: Nevermind, fixed it. Looks like you can just turn it off in options
Despite the high RAM being unlocked, WabbitEmu does not seem to care. When the program counter reaches up that high, WabbitEmu halts the calculator and dumps me into the debugger. From there I can manually step through the program without issue (the calculator doesn't crash or anything), but I can't seem to make it run on it's own.
Does anyone know how I can disable this? If not, what other emulators do you recommend? I tried the online JS emulator and VTI83, but neither seem to work well enough.
Here is the code that I use to unlock the RAM
in a,($02)
jr nc,ramunlock_83p
xor a
out ($25),a
out ($26),a
ld a,%00000111
out ($05),a
xor a
out ($16),a
EDIT: Nevermind, fixed it. Looks like you can just turn it off in options