Okay, I'm going to need a bit of help with the highlighted text tracker... One way M.I. Wright suggested was to only keep track of the start and end of the highlighted text, and then when the user presses the copy button (TRACE), it takes the sub() of the current string, starting at the beginning and ending at the last highlighted text. However, I'm having a bit of difficulty...
The way I have it setup is that X is the constant, where the start or end of your highlighted text is. V is the one that moves around with your cursor, if you are highlighting. Then, when you want to copy, it determines which variable is greater, which enables it to know which variable it should put first in the sub() command. If X=0, it stores the placement in the string of the cursor in X. Every time after that, it stores the placement to V. Btw, you can look at earlier posts to see how I converted the cursor value to string placement.
My code is hardly working at all, so I would appreciate some help...
another problem is that the numbers will have to change whether you are highlighting from right to left or left to right. My code is pretty much nothing, I'm just tossing around numbers right now... I think I'm tired.
[EDIT 2]
I believe I fixed it. Just had to change some numbers around.
Here's for tracking (and highlighting):
If not(X
and here's for copying:Code:
If K=14 and X!=V:Then
If X>V
If V>X
sub(Str7,iPart(Ans)+1,100fPart(Ans)-iPart(Ans->Str6 //in the future i'll just add it to the beginning of BasicNote's entire note string
If you can optimize this, great