This is the message that shows up, it's very annoying please help
Errors occurred while sending DoorsCS7.8xk. A distribution list, containing the device(s) which returned an error, was created for each file.
How are you sending DCS? With what program?
I bet you're using the Mac version of TI-Connect. 4.0 or 1.6 1?
I installed the TI-83 version instead of TI-84 Plus version. How do I reset my calculator or remove program? I am new to this forum. Thank you!
Since you sent the 83 version over, press [2nd] [+] [2] [7] and scroll down to the program name, press the [DEL] button, and confirm.
Kerm: I got the same problem as this guy and I'm actually using the mac version 4.0, what should I do?
SilverC, could you clarify? Which problem are you having, specifically?
SilverC wrote:
Kerm: I got the same problem as this guy and I'm actually using the mac version 4.0, what should I do?
Which kind of calculator are you trying to send Doors CS to?
TI-84 C Silver Edition. Im just trying to send it through TI, but instead an alert shows up, saying "Errors occurred while sending DoorsCS7.8xk. A distribution list, containing the device(s) which returned an error, was created for each file."
Ah. DoorsCS is currently not compatible with the C edition calculators. Kerm is currently working on
DoorsCS 8 but it's in the beginning stages and could be a short while before it's up and running for the general populace to use.
Apps and asm programs are slightly different on the CSE than they were on the normal 84+
SilverC wrote:
TI-84 C Silver Edition. Im just trying to send it through TI, but instead an alert shows up, saying "Errors occurred while sending DoorsCS7.8xk. A distribution list, containing the device(s) which returned an error, was created for each file."
That's because Doors CS 7 does not work on the color-screen calculator. There's no compatible version available to the public yet, but I just started working on one. I have a topic about the development of this so-called Doors CSE 8.
Right, cool. I'll stay tuned.
Please feel free to check out the many other projects and programs we have available and are currently working on.
With new calculators, brings new awesome projects! And feel free to start something up yourself! We will gladly help you get started with programming, if you have any interest in such things.
Hi Kerm, i am trying to download doors CS 7.2 onto my TI-84 + Silver Edition, but i am always getting "Errors occurred while sending DoorsCS7.8xk. A distribution list, containing the device(s) which returned an error, was created for each file." When i drag and drop the file onto my device explorer screen. I am using TI Connect 4.0. How can i fix this?
Mavisa wrote:
Hi Kerm, i am trying to download doors CS 7.2 onto my TI-84 + Silver Edition, but i am always getting "Errors occurred while sending DoorsCS7.8xk. A distribution list, containing the device(s) which returned an error, was created for each file." When i drag and drop the file onto my device explorer screen. I am using TI Connect 4.0. How can i fix this?
Which OS does your calculator have?