Title: Snag It 9
Rating: 9.5/10
Description: Allows the user to crop pictures/text from a webpage or
somewhere on thier computer and save it to thier computer.
Usefulness: 10/10
Postivies: Great Usefulness for those websites that won't let you
download thier pictures.
Negatives: Steals The Ctrl-Shift-X Shortcut from Adobe Photoshop. :/
Rating: 9.5/10
Description: Allows the user to crop pictures/text from a webpage or
somewhere on thier computer and save it to thier computer.
Usefulness: 10/10
Postivies: Great Usefulness for those websites that won't let you
download thier pictures.
Negatives: Steals The Ctrl-Shift-X Shortcut from Adobe Photoshop. :/