congrats tifreak, you have now joined the select club of people who can claim to have had TB magnitude monthly bandwidth
actually, isn't he 24GB short of a full TB?
rivereye wrote:
actually, isn't he 24GB short of a full TB?
1. He transferred 2.4GB, not 24 GB
2. Elfprince means the 1TB available per month, not actual transferred data.
yeah, what I was getting at is that 1TB == 1024 GB, not 1000GB, right.
Very Happy Quite right, rivereye! Good call there; you're absolutly correct. Hehe... semantics.
KermMartian wrote:
Very Happy Quite right, rivereye! Good call there; you're absolutly correct. Hehe... semantics.

...except that bandwidth is almost always measured in *bit not *byte, so it is much more likely that it was 1000Gb, meaning he was 8064Gb off from 1TB Wink (assuming that 1000 was correct at all, and not a generous exaggeration by tifreak Razz )
its 1000, if you look at the plan he bought. and if it was 1000Gb, then he is still 24Gb short of a Tb.
Kllrnohj wrote:
...except that bandwidth is almost always measured in *bit not *byte...
Erm, hosting plans almost invariably talk of multiples of bytes for bandwidth, even though you're right for things like pipe width.
Just found an obscure trackback to this topic:
Wow, that is very obscure. o.O Not any text at all... :/
I found it using technorati to look for who was linking to
Pokemon question: Do EV points start accumulating from the very first battle after you capture a pokemon? I have a lvl. 3 pokemon, and i was wondering if they start gaining effort values after their very first battle. For example, if i battle a Bidoof, will it already get one health EV even if it's never battled before, or does its stats have to reach a certain point before they start getting EVs?
keyword research ~ keyword tool ~ keyword tracking ~ affiliate elite
I would have to say yes
EV is a randomized value of 1-15 if memory serves. They gain experience after each battle though, which does assist in their value for the equations. It's been quite a while since I have looked into the equations and such, they are safely tucked away in a notebook I have.
kajukha wrote:
Pokemon question: Do EV points start accumulating from the very first battle after you capture a pokemon? I have a lvl. 3 pokemon, and i was wondering if they start gaining effort values after their very first battle. For example, if i battle a Bidoof, will it already get one health EV even if it's never battled before, or does its stats have to reach a certain point before they start getting EVs?
Good sir newbie, I believe that you may be a spambot!

Read me for precisely the same question
lol odd, You need to do some security updating to the bot catch, Kerm :p
tifreak8x wrote:
0x5 odd, You need to do some security updating to the bot catch, Kerm :p
I think these are human-created bots though, which it's more or less impossible to guard against. Smile And the bot isn't doing anything obvious in terms of spamming yet, so I don't really understand what the point is.
qazz42 wrote:

Ok, so like, what the hell? I cant seem to get this right
Remove the last slash. But the url appears to be broken, so...
nope. 404
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