Hi there,
I was wondering what the recommended driver for TI Silverlink cable (2.5mm to USB) is? Do I install software from Texas Instruments as this driver (https://www.ticalc.org/archives/files/fileinfo/222/22255.html) doesn\'t work for Windows 11 probably would have to put in mode for no certificates or it might not work as folder showed 98 or XP? Wondering what the recommended driver is for the silverlink cable is for programming stuff.
I installed TILP for the USB Mini cable and Zadig for a TI-84 Plus.
Interested in playing around with it.
Saw that https://brandonw.net/360bridge/ uses both silverlink and usb mini cable
Also have Arduino and was interested in writing programs on both device to make use of serial to show stuff on display will need to get a 2.5mm plug with 3 leads.
Might be a bit tricky to understand but might be able to use OTG re disney infinity pad if I learn to understand asm for HID re usb8x and created a Y shaped cable re OTG plus additional power from a battery and need to short pins to convert a usb mini b to usb mini a.
Looking at https://github.com/TI-Toolkit/awesome-ti-docs
I was wondering what the recommended driver for TI Silverlink cable (2.5mm to USB) is? Do I install software from Texas Instruments as this driver (https://www.ticalc.org/archives/files/fileinfo/222/22255.html) doesn\'t work for Windows 11 probably would have to put in mode for no certificates or it might not work as folder showed 98 or XP? Wondering what the recommended driver is for the silverlink cable is for programming stuff.
I installed TILP for the USB Mini cable and Zadig for a TI-84 Plus.
Interested in playing around with it.
Saw that https://brandonw.net/360bridge/ uses both silverlink and usb mini cable
Also have Arduino and was interested in writing programs on both device to make use of serial to show stuff on display will need to get a 2.5mm plug with 3 leads.
Might be a bit tricky to understand but might be able to use OTG re disney infinity pad if I learn to understand asm for HID re usb8x and created a Y shaped cable re OTG plus additional power from a battery and need to short pins to convert a usb mini b to usb mini a.
Looking at https://github.com/TI-Toolkit/awesome-ti-docs