This is the approach that I'm using to teach 8-9 graders to program some simple equation with the TI84.
I wanted to use Python rather than Basic b/c I think that coding approach is closer to the real world and easier to understand and more intuitiven for their young minds.
This is the most straight forward approach that I could come up with.
Writing the code and then debugging is done using Notepad++(NPP) with the NppExec extension. This sets up NPP's IDLE.Another option would be Pyscripter.
Once the .py runs on NPP then I download to the 84. The 84 recognizes the .py extension and puts the code into the proper TI format.
Under the PGRM key I can select the code that I downloaded.
I've tested several diff py commands: print, if, for-loop, arrays and it seems to work as expected.
If there's any comments I will listen.
I wanted to use Python rather than Basic b/c I think that coding approach is closer to the real world and easier to understand and more intuitiven for their young minds.
This is the most straight forward approach that I could come up with.
Writing the code and then debugging is done using Notepad++(NPP) with the NppExec extension. This sets up NPP's IDLE.Another option would be Pyscripter.
Once the .py runs on NPP then I download to the 84. The 84 recognizes the .py extension and puts the code into the proper TI format.
Under the PGRM key I can select the code that I downloaded.
I've tested several diff py commands: print, if, for-loop, arrays and it seems to work as expected.
If there's any comments I will listen.