What is the best completed project of November 2017?
Asteroids CE v.1.8
 37%  [ 3 ]
Jumpman for TI 68K Calcs
 25%  [ 2 ]
Symbolic Derivative Solver for TI 84+ CE
 37%  [ 3 ]
Total Votes : 8

Hello, everyone! This month was super busy, with lots of new programs being worked on while everyone was (presumably) almost settled back into school. Here are the contenders for the month of November:

  • Asteroids CE v.1.8: The REAL LAX18 made a cool game where you have to shoot or avoid "asteroids" coming at you! You can find directions on how to get the file in the thread.
  • BOSshell for the TI-84+CE: BOSshell for the TI-84+CE is an attempt to make a shell in ICE created by beckadamtheinventor. He plans to add many cool features, and even created a demo, which you can find in the thread! We cannot wait to see more of this project!
  • CE Video Thingie: From Iambian, CE Video Thingie is a thing designed to do the stuff with video for the CE calculator. It is able to play short, somewhat low quality video clips (it's very high quality for a calculator!) on the TI-84+CE graphing calculator. Iambian is working really hard to increase the quality and length of the video you can view with it. Be sure to check out the thread for future updates and demonstrations!
  • Dungeons & Dragons [BASIC] [TI-84 Plus CE]: TheLastMillennial is trying to port a version of the popular game Dungeons & Dragons to TI-BASIC on the CE. We wish him the best of luck and would love to see more of this project.
  • FlowCE [C for TI-84+CE]: FlowCE is a port by jonbush of the mobile game "Flow", which is a game where you have to connect two dots with pipes that cannot cross.  More information can be found in the thread.
  • ICE On-Calc Sprite Editor (Huge update underway): CalcMeister added some cool updates to his on-calc ICE sprite editor this month. Though he previously lost his source, PT_ was able to decompile it manually, and CalcMeister made some great visual changes. Check out the thread for a download.
  • JPL: A game for Color and Monochrome calcs!: TheLastMillennial started work on making what was on of his CC20 entries even better! Without changing anything, his program works on both the monochrome and color calculators, which is impressive already. We can't wait for new updates!
  • Jumpman for TI 68K Calcs: Ranman added a bunch of improvements to his port of Jumpman! These include optimizations and bugfixes.  You can find the complete list in the thread!
  • KryptonIDE - A better program editor for the TI 84+ CE: KryptonicDragon's project "KryptonIDE" is a redesigned program editor for the CE. He added a truckload of new features this month! More information can be found in the thread.
  • Symbolic Derivative Solver for TI 84+ CE: Cemetech newcomer squishy created an amazing project! As the title suggests, it is able to quickly solve derivatives (returning a function, not a value, unlike the TIOS version on the 84+CE) harnessing the power of C! It is really easy to use, too. Go check out the thread for a download (including source) and usage instructions.
  • The Oregon Trail CE [ICE] [Release 1.0]: OldNewTimer finally released a version of his port of The Oregon Trail to the Archives! It looks interesting, so go check the thread out!
  • UniChat!: _iPhoenix_ "created a a free, simple, and open solution to a problem exactly none of us have!". It is an extremely simple chatting service using Google's Firebase platform, and it looks really cool. Check out the thread to see it for yourself!

The poll (and inherently voting) is now open. This month is highly competitive, with several very good entries! Happy voting!
Wait, since my JPL program couldn't be submitted for the contest, does it qualify for this POTM?
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