I'm pretty sure UniChat itself doesn't work on mobile...
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jcgter777 wrote:
I'm pretty sure UniChat itself doesn't work on mobile...
It does.
I'm having a wonderful day today full of throwing up and stuff, so don't expect any major changes from me. Anyone else can still make contributions
I'll probably be spending some time on the UniChat website itself through my phone to see what kinds of improvements I can make.
I tried to centers the button description via text-align: center, but apparently that doesn't work in ::before pseudo-selectors?
Again, if someone else could enlighten me on this, that'd be awesome, I've already spent a good half-hour trying to get it to work.
Edit: Logging in works fine for me on mobile.
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- Official Cemetech Cake Manager (Posts: 2020)
- UniChat moblie redesign
- 23 Jan 2018 05:56:20 pm
Here is my highly skilled-at-drawing redesign of UniChat on mobile. I tried to label it as best I could, but if you have any questions about this highly detailed image, please post.
If I update the image at all, I'll edit this to reflect what I changed.
If I update the image at all, I'll edit this to reflect what I changed.
For the text input not zooming, I can't fix that; that's an OS thing.
Good ideas!
To be fair, that's a horrible idea
(Explaining tmro, out of time :/)
Good ideas!
[TheLastMillennial] Oh, new idea _iPhoe: I think you should have the label names always below the icons on the nav bar.
To be fair, that's a horrible idea
(Explaining tmro, out of time :/)
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timedia wrote:
I really like UniChat but I would like some slightly flatter buttons
What do you mean by "slightly flatter buttons"?
Cooler buttons?
EDIT: when I get highlighted by a pm, or an action, it shows "/me" or "/pm", and it's really annoying. Can you make it change even in the notification?
EDIT#2: Made a GitHub issue.
The REAL LAX18 wrote:
Its still not loading messages for me...
On my mac at home, UniChat works, but not on the Chromebooks at my school.
jcgter777 wrote:
The REAL LAX18 wrote:
Its still not loading messages for me...
On my mac at home, UniChat works, but not on the Chromebooks at my school.
It should work now.
timedia wrote:
Please refrain from making spam/low-quality posts. One of Cemetech's mottos is "Quality over Quantity".
Unsure how to begin programming calculators? Check out awesome-ti-docs, a guided selection of resources from across the community.
LAX18 and I were wondering why links were broken in UniChat. I think that it's because the "//" in "https://" changes the rest of the link to italic format, and removes the needed "//" for link detection. I made a GitHub issue here.
This is mets11rap's idea:
Relevant UniChat lines:
EDIT: GitHub issue here
Relevant UniChat lines:
[07:49:38] mets11rap: May I make a suggestion to the site layout?
[07:50:00] jcgter777: mets: ADDED
[07:50:07] jcgter777: what suggestion?
[07:50:26] mets11rap: Everything is against the left wall. Make a little bit of space between everything and the wall
[07:50:30] mets11rap: And round these corners:
[07:50:58] mets11rap: (Highlighted in red)
[07:51:15] jcgter777: yah
[07:51:21] jcgter777: make an issue @mets
[07:51:34] mets11rap: Can you? I have to go
[07:51:37] mets11rap: Please
[07:51:38] mets11rap: Thanks
[07:51:43] jcgter777: kk
EDIT: GitHub issue here
- friendly neighborhood site admin (Posts: 1910)
- 25 Jan 2018 08:53:30 pm
- Last edited by iPhoenix on 26 Jan 2018 01:26:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
There's basically been a full 15 minutes of me abusing the heck out of the fact that I am an admin.
Here are some logs:
Basically, because the admin console is just the bot api and some banning scripts, I was able to do var bot = new Bot(<name>,"%") to create bots (like GLaDOS, Calculator, etc), and use bot.respond(<message>) to have fun.
I also abused the fact that "the UserID's are essentially pointers to the usernames, I can change your username at will".
I think this is the most fun I've had on UniChat since this, but I want to remind everyone that this is a rare occurrence and impersonation is bannable
Isn't it funny how the users were the only ones actually abiding by the rules of UniChat in the quote, and actually trying to stop me from breaking the rules hehe
Here are some logs:
UniChat users wrote:
[08:31:28] _iPhoenix_: ~stophating
[08:31:29] [iPhoenixBot]: It has "Beta" and "Demo" in the title for a reason.
[08:31:35] TheLastMillennial: Bots: Destroy humanity
[08:31:43] *TheLastMillennial rrrruuuunnnnssss
[08:32:00] jcgter777: iphoenix: im gonna make one command for jcgterbot be _iPhoenix reply "iPhoenix is awesume"
[08:32:06] jcgter777: typo meant
[08:32:08] jcgter777:
[08:32:51] [iPhoenixBot]: TheLastMillennial: Destroying Humanity. Please stand by.
[08:32:52] jcgter777: guys: https://www.cemetech.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=14448&highlight=
[08:33:05] jcgter777: Bots: Kill yourselves
[08:33:08] TheLastMillennial: 0x5
[08:33:25] [iPhoenixBot]: I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.
[08:33:34] TheLastMillennial: Dave?
[08:33:37] jcgter777: 0x5
[08:33:46] _iPhoenix_: Space Odyssey 2001
[08:33:54] jcgter777: https://www.cemetech.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=14448&highlight=
[08:33:55] _iPhoenix_: dammit I butchered the quote
[08:33:59] jcgter777: ^^
[08:34:07] TheLastMillennial: Don't worry about it Darius, cuz I'm a mile high and I'm the scariest
[08:34:23] jcgter777:
[08:34:42] jcgter777: _iPhoenix_ and TheLastMillion: I need bot commandz
[08:35:09] TheLastMillennial: TheLastMillionare?
[08:35:14] TheLastMillennial:
[08:35:16] _iPhoenix_: reload the page, I fixed the quote
[08:35:29] _iPhoenix_: I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.
[08:35:30] TheLastMillennial: 0x5
[08:35:42] TheLastMillennial: /ban _iPhoenix_
[08:35:55] jcgter777: Bots: die, plz
[08:36:07] *TheLastMillennial test
[08:36:10] TheLastMillennial: wooo
[08:36:18] [iPhoenixBot]: User "_iPhoenix_" has been banned for: 1 eternity.
[08:36:33] TheLastMillennial: whoa! and entire eternity!
[08:36:35] TheLastMillennial: *an
[08:36:47] TheLastMillennial: WW
[08:36:51] TheLastMillennial: huh
[08:37:00] [iPhoenixBot]: Ban initiated.
[08:37:07] TheLastMillennial: /\
[08:37:15] TheLastMillennial: that looks cool
[08:37:19] TheLastMillennial: \
[08:37:27][x3] jcgter777: \/
[08:37:31] jcgter777: hi
[08:37:33] jcgter777: bye
[08:37:38] jcgter777: /\
[08:37:38] TheLastMillennial: test
[08:37:51] jcgter777: /ban jcgter
[08:37:51] TheLastMillennial: \\|/
[08:38:00] TheLastMillennial: /ban me
[08:38:03] [_iPhoenix_]: TheL: wtf did you just do?!
[08:38:12] TheLastMillennial: I had fun
[08:38:15] jcgter777: he banned you
[08:38:17] jcgter777:
[08:38:38] jcgter777: _iPhoenix_: |o|
[08:38:47] jcgter777: /unban _iPhoenix_
[08:38:51][x2] TheLastMillennial: \o\
[08:38:53] [GLaDOS]: Cake will be served.
[08:38:59] TheLastMillennial: AHHHH!
[08:39:04] jcgter777: how many bots are there?
[08:39:09] TheLastMillennial: Humanity is coming to an end!!!!
[08:39:15] jcgter777: Bots: unban _iPhoenix_
[08:39:16] TheLastMillennial: Wait
[08:39:26] TheLastMillennial: I already have cake as my avatar
[08:39:28] [Calculator]: There are 304 bots.
[08:39:37] TheLastMillennial: I already passed your tests GLaDOS
[08:39:58] [iPhoenixBot]: I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that. @jcgter777
[08:40:00] TheLastMillennial: in P1, P2, PPTI, PCE, PDLC, etc
[08:40:10] jcgter777: TheL: don't worry. It's just iPhoenix breaking the rules and impersonating bots
[08:40:19] [GLaDOS]: I don't give a #$^!
[08:40:20] TheLastMillennial: ~rules
[08:40:20] [iPhoenixBot]: Please stop breaking the rules.
[08:40:26] jcgter777: /ban TheLastMillion
[08:40:40] [iPhoenixBot]: User "TheLastMillion" has been banned for: 1 eternity.
[08:40:45] jcgter777:
[08:40:54] jcgter777: /ban
[08:40:55] TheLastMillennial: What? No, only 2/3 of a eternity
[08:41:00] [_iPhoenix_]: this is quite fun, tbh
[08:41:06] TheLastMillennial: /ban xd
[08:41:16] jcgter777: /ban [_iPhoenix_]
[08:41:27] jcgter777:
[08:41:48] TheLastMillennial |o|*
[08:41:53] TheLastMillennial: whooo
[08:42:00] TheLastMillennial: *wooo
[08:42:13][x2] TheLastMillennial: \o\
[08:42:18] jcgter777: /unban _iPhoenix_
[08:42:26] TheLastMillennial: /reban _iPhoenix_
[08:42:37] TheLastMillennial: /disban _iPhoenix_
[08:42:40] jcgter777: /ban TheLastMillennial
[08:42:42] jcgter777:
[08:42:48] [iPhoenixBot]: User "TheLastMillennial" has been banned for: 1 eternity.
[08:42:50] TheLastMillennial: /aban _iPhoenix_
[08:42:52] jcgter777: /ban jcgter777
[08:43:08] idiot: /ban iPhoenixBot
[08:43:23] [_iPhoenix_]: I'm so mean
[08:43:26] idiot: wait
[08:43:27] jcgter777: omg, who do we call to stop this impersonation?
[08:43:40] idiot: You freaking troll iphoenix
[08:43:43] [GLaDOS]: GhostBusters
[08:43:47] jcgter777: omfg
[08:43:48] _iPhoenix_: <3
[08:43:54] jcgter777: HOW?
[08:43:55] idiot: I'm _ipHoeix_
[08:44:01] _iPhoenix_: Fixed
[08:44:03] jcgter777: /ban idiot
[08:44:09] TheLastMillennial: gasp
[08:44:14] _iPhoenix_: It's TheLastMillennial
[08:44:25] TheLastMillennial: I had the wierdes nightmare about popcorn!
[08:44:30] TheLastMillennial: *wierdest
[08:44:42] *TheLastMillennial goes afk to finish work stuff
[08:44:43] _iPhoenix_: Because the UserID's are essentially pointers to the usernames, I can change your username at will
[08:44:47] _iPhoenix_: lol
[08:45:03] _iPhoenix_: cool, right?
[08:45:32] _iPhoenix_: jcgter777: u there
[08:45:53] stupid person <3: yah
[08:46:00] stupid person <3: omg
[08:46:04] _iPhoenix_: lol
[08:46:15] _iPhoenix_: fixed
[08:46:22] jcgter777: test me
[08:53:44] TheLastMillennial: JCGTER!!!!
[08:53:58] jcgter777: WHAT?!?!?
[08:54:03] _iPhoenix_: ?
[08:54:10] _iPhoenix_: LOL
[08:54:14] _iPhoenix_: WHY ALL CAPS
[08:54:17] _iPhoenix_: I CAN DO THIS TOO
[08:54:42] TheLastMillennial: I'M YELLING
[08:54:46] jcgter777: HEHE HAHA THELASTMILLENNIIIIIIIIIALL///////////////
[08:54:47] TheLastMillennial: CANT YOU TELL?
[08:54:58] jcgter777: IM GONNA ROAST YOU
[08:55:05] jcgter777: YA BETTER WATCH OUT
[08:55:10] TheLastMillennial: lI|
[08:55:16] jcgter777:
[01:17:08] [iPhoenixBot]: Please stop spamming.
[01:17:10] _iPhoenix_: 0x5
[01:17:11] jcgter777: jk
[01:17:11] _iPhoenix_: \\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//
[01:17:20] jcgter777: ~releasethebots
[01:17:21] [iPhoenixBot]: THE BOTS HAVE BEEN RELEASED!!!
[01:17:24] _iPhoenix_: ~bug
[01:17:25] [iPhoenixBot]: Bug? What bug? All I see are features!
[01:17:30] jcgter777: ~spam
[01:17:31] [iPhoenixBot]: Please stop spamming.
[01:17:39] jcgter777: ~spamming
[01:17:39] LAX18: i feel like we need to change the rules
[01:17:39] [iPhoenixBot]: Please stop spamming.
[01:17:44] LAX18: "4. No Emoji's."
[01:17:44] jcgter777: ikr
[01:17:47] _iPhoenix_: 0x5
[01:17:51] jcgter777: where's that?
[01:17:52] _iPhoenix_: Still, no emoji's
[01:17:53] _iPhoenix_:
[01:18:00] jcgter777: :+1:
[01:18:00] _iPhoenix_: \\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//
[01:18:04] jcgter777: ~spam
[01:18:04] [iPhoenixBot]: Please stop spamming.
[01:18:07] _iPhoenix_: 0x5
[01:18:08] _iPhoenix_: \\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//
[01:18:37] jcgter777: _iPhoenix: you forgot disallowing the use of automated whatever
[01:18:41] _iPhoenix_: 0x5
[01:18:49] _iPhoenix_: Nah in user agreement
[01:18:49] LAX18: iPhoenix: but emojis are coming are they not?
[01:18:56] _iPhoenix_: those are different
[01:19:03] _iPhoenix_: "state-sponsored:
[01:19:04] _iPhoenix_: "
[01:19:07] jcgter777: im gonna post about iPhoenix
[01:19:13] LAX18: okay
[01:19:16] _iPhoenix_: why
[01:19:19] _iPhoenix_: What did I do?
[01:19:25] jcgter777: ~spamming? :p
[01:19:26] [iPhoenixBot]: Please stop spamming.
[01:19:28] _iPhoenix_: I'm just breaking the rules
[01:19:34] _iPhoenix_: 0x5
[01:19:36] _iPhoenix_: <3
[01:19:45][x2] jcgter777: :rulebreaker
[01:20:04] jcgter777: 0x5, im gonna post about the third carma of unichat
[01:20:08] [iPhoenixBot]: I swear, it's the real _iPhoenix_, I'm just really bored
[01:20:17] jcgter777: /ban _iPhoenix_
[01:20:19] _iPhoenix_: karma? carma?
[01:20:24] _iPhoenix_: not this again x.x
[01:20:32] jcgter777: :p
[01:20:35] [iPhoenixBot]: User "_iPhoenix_" has been banned for: 1 eternity.
[01:20:51] LAX18: only a eternity 0x5
[01:20:52] [GLaDOS]: Cake will be served.
[01:21:12] LAX18: i kind of want to make a page of shame
[01:21:24] LAX18: with the usernames of people who have abused the servce
[01:21:24] [iPhoenixBot]: I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that. @LAX18
[01:21:34] LAX18: fine
[01:21:43] [_iPhoenix_]: Can I be #1?
[01:21:50] LAX18: 0x5
[01:22:07] jcgter777: ~karma
[01:22:08] [karmaBot]: jcgter777: jcgter777 has 0 karma.
[01:22:09] jcgter777: ~rank
[01:22:10] [karmaBot]: jcgter777 is ranked #13 in our database, with 0 karma.
[01:22:10] [karmaBot]: jcgter777 is ranked #8 in our database, with 0 karma.
[01:22:12] jcgter777: ?
[01:22:15] [GLaDOS]: Cake will be served.
[01:22:26] LAX18: ~rank
[01:22:26] [karmaBot]: LAX18 is ranked #10 in our database, with 0 karma.
[01:22:26] [karmaBot]: LAX18 is ranked #7 in our database, with 0 karma.
[01:22:32] [_iPhoenix_]: ~botabuse
[01:22:40] LAX18: ~rank iphoenic
[01:22:41] [GLaDOS]: Please don't abuse me
[01:22:42] LAX18: wow 0x5
[01:22:52] LAX18: ~rank iphoenix
[01:23:01] [_iPhoenix_]: ~rank _iPhoenix_
[01:23:16] [_iPhoenix_]: use that ^^
[08:31:29] [iPhoenixBot]: It has "Beta" and "Demo" in the title for a reason.
[08:31:35] TheLastMillennial: Bots: Destroy humanity
[08:31:43] *TheLastMillennial rrrruuuunnnnssss
[08:32:00] jcgter777: iphoenix: im gonna make one command for jcgterbot be _iPhoenix reply "iPhoenix is awesume"
[08:32:06] jcgter777: typo meant
[08:32:08] jcgter777:
[08:32:51] [iPhoenixBot]: TheLastMillennial: Destroying Humanity. Please stand by.
[08:32:52] jcgter777: guys: https://www.cemetech.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=14448&highlight=
[08:33:05] jcgter777: Bots: Kill yourselves
[08:33:08] TheLastMillennial: 0x5
[08:33:25] [iPhoenixBot]: I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.
[08:33:34] TheLastMillennial: Dave?
[08:33:37] jcgter777: 0x5
[08:33:46] _iPhoenix_: Space Odyssey 2001
[08:33:54] jcgter777: https://www.cemetech.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=14448&highlight=
[08:33:55] _iPhoenix_: dammit I butchered the quote
[08:33:59] jcgter777: ^^
[08:34:07] TheLastMillennial: Don't worry about it Darius, cuz I'm a mile high and I'm the scariest
[08:34:23] jcgter777:
[08:34:42] jcgter777: _iPhoenix_ and TheLastMillion: I need bot commandz
[08:35:09] TheLastMillennial: TheLastMillionare?
[08:35:14] TheLastMillennial:
[08:35:16] _iPhoenix_: reload the page, I fixed the quote
[08:35:29] _iPhoenix_: I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.
[08:35:30] TheLastMillennial: 0x5
[08:35:42] TheLastMillennial: /ban _iPhoenix_
[08:35:55] jcgter777: Bots: die, plz
[08:36:07] *TheLastMillennial test
[08:36:10] TheLastMillennial: wooo
[08:36:18] [iPhoenixBot]: User "_iPhoenix_" has been banned for: 1 eternity.
[08:36:33] TheLastMillennial: whoa! and entire eternity!
[08:36:35] TheLastMillennial: *an
[08:36:47] TheLastMillennial: WW
[08:36:51] TheLastMillennial: huh
[08:37:00] [iPhoenixBot]: Ban initiated.
[08:37:07] TheLastMillennial: /\
[08:37:15] TheLastMillennial: that looks cool
[08:37:19] TheLastMillennial: \
[08:37:27][x3] jcgter777: \/
[08:37:31] jcgter777: hi
[08:37:33] jcgter777: bye
[08:37:38] jcgter777: /\
[08:37:38] TheLastMillennial: test
[08:37:51] jcgter777: /ban jcgter
[08:37:51] TheLastMillennial: \\|/
[08:38:00] TheLastMillennial: /ban me
[08:38:03] [_iPhoenix_]: TheL: wtf did you just do?!
[08:38:12] TheLastMillennial: I had fun
[08:38:15] jcgter777: he banned you
[08:38:17] jcgter777:
[08:38:38] jcgter777: _iPhoenix_: |o|
[08:38:47] jcgter777: /unban _iPhoenix_
[08:38:51][x2] TheLastMillennial: \o\
[08:38:53] [GLaDOS]: Cake will be served.
[08:38:59] TheLastMillennial: AHHHH!
[08:39:04] jcgter777: how many bots are there?
[08:39:09] TheLastMillennial: Humanity is coming to an end!!!!
[08:39:15] jcgter777: Bots: unban _iPhoenix_
[08:39:16] TheLastMillennial: Wait
[08:39:26] TheLastMillennial: I already have cake as my avatar
[08:39:28] [Calculator]: There are 304 bots.
[08:39:37] TheLastMillennial: I already passed your tests GLaDOS
[08:39:58] [iPhoenixBot]: I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that. @jcgter777
[08:40:00] TheLastMillennial: in P1, P2, PPTI, PCE, PDLC, etc
[08:40:10] jcgter777: TheL: don't worry. It's just iPhoenix breaking the rules and impersonating bots
[08:40:19] [GLaDOS]: I don't give a #$^!
[08:40:20] TheLastMillennial: ~rules
[08:40:20] [iPhoenixBot]: Please stop breaking the rules.
[08:40:26] jcgter777: /ban TheLastMillion
[08:40:40] [iPhoenixBot]: User "TheLastMillion" has been banned for: 1 eternity.
[08:40:45] jcgter777:
[08:40:54] jcgter777: /ban
[08:40:55] TheLastMillennial: What? No, only 2/3 of a eternity
[08:41:00] [_iPhoenix_]: this is quite fun, tbh
[08:41:06] TheLastMillennial: /ban xd
[08:41:16] jcgter777: /ban [_iPhoenix_]
[08:41:27] jcgter777:
[08:41:48] TheLastMillennial |o|*
[08:41:53] TheLastMillennial: whooo
[08:42:00] TheLastMillennial: *wooo
[08:42:13][x2] TheLastMillennial: \o\
[08:42:18] jcgter777: /unban _iPhoenix_
[08:42:26] TheLastMillennial: /reban _iPhoenix_
[08:42:37] TheLastMillennial: /disban _iPhoenix_
[08:42:40] jcgter777: /ban TheLastMillennial
[08:42:42] jcgter777:
[08:42:48] [iPhoenixBot]: User "TheLastMillennial" has been banned for: 1 eternity.
[08:42:50] TheLastMillennial: /aban _iPhoenix_
[08:42:52] jcgter777: /ban jcgter777
[08:43:08] idiot: /ban iPhoenixBot
[08:43:23] [_iPhoenix_]: I'm so mean
[08:43:26] idiot: wait
[08:43:27] jcgter777: omg, who do we call to stop this impersonation?
[08:43:40] idiot: You freaking troll iphoenix
[08:43:43] [GLaDOS]: GhostBusters
[08:43:47] jcgter777: omfg
[08:43:48] _iPhoenix_: <3
[08:43:54] jcgter777: HOW?
[08:43:55] idiot: I'm _ipHoeix_
[08:44:01] _iPhoenix_: Fixed
[08:44:03] jcgter777: /ban idiot
[08:44:09] TheLastMillennial: gasp
[08:44:14] _iPhoenix_: It's TheLastMillennial
[08:44:25] TheLastMillennial: I had the wierdes nightmare about popcorn!
[08:44:30] TheLastMillennial: *wierdest
[08:44:42] *TheLastMillennial goes afk to finish work stuff
[08:44:43] _iPhoenix_: Because the UserID's are essentially pointers to the usernames, I can change your username at will
[08:44:47] _iPhoenix_: lol
[08:45:03] _iPhoenix_: cool, right?
[08:45:32] _iPhoenix_: jcgter777: u there
[08:45:53] stupid person <3: yah
[08:46:00] stupid person <3: omg
[08:46:04] _iPhoenix_: lol
[08:46:15] _iPhoenix_: fixed
[08:46:22] jcgter777: test me
[08:53:44] TheLastMillennial: JCGTER!!!!
[08:53:58] jcgter777: WHAT?!?!?
[08:54:03] _iPhoenix_: ?
[08:54:10] _iPhoenix_: LOL
[08:54:14] _iPhoenix_: WHY ALL CAPS
[08:54:17] _iPhoenix_: I CAN DO THIS TOO
[08:54:42] TheLastMillennial: I'M YELLING
[08:54:46] jcgter777: HEHE HAHA THELASTMILLENNIIIIIIIIIALL///////////////
[08:54:47] TheLastMillennial: CANT YOU TELL?
[08:54:58] jcgter777: IM GONNA ROAST YOU
[08:55:05] jcgter777: YA BETTER WATCH OUT
[08:55:10] TheLastMillennial: lI|
[08:55:16] jcgter777:
[01:17:08] [iPhoenixBot]: Please stop spamming.
[01:17:10] _iPhoenix_: 0x5
[01:17:11] jcgter777: jk
[01:17:11] _iPhoenix_: \\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//
[01:17:20] jcgter777: ~releasethebots
[01:17:21] [iPhoenixBot]: THE BOTS HAVE BEEN RELEASED!!!
[01:17:24] _iPhoenix_: ~bug
[01:17:25] [iPhoenixBot]: Bug? What bug? All I see are features!
[01:17:30] jcgter777: ~spam
[01:17:31] [iPhoenixBot]: Please stop spamming.
[01:17:39] jcgter777: ~spamming
[01:17:39] LAX18: i feel like we need to change the rules
[01:17:39] [iPhoenixBot]: Please stop spamming.
[01:17:44] LAX18: "4. No Emoji's."
[01:17:44] jcgter777: ikr
[01:17:47] _iPhoenix_: 0x5
[01:17:51] jcgter777: where's that?
[01:17:52] _iPhoenix_: Still, no emoji's
[01:17:53] _iPhoenix_:
[01:18:00] jcgter777: :+1:
[01:18:00] _iPhoenix_: \\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//
[01:18:04] jcgter777: ~spam
[01:18:04] [iPhoenixBot]: Please stop spamming.
[01:18:07] _iPhoenix_: 0x5
[01:18:08] _iPhoenix_: \\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//\\|//
[01:18:37] jcgter777: _iPhoenix: you forgot disallowing the use of automated whatever
[01:18:41] _iPhoenix_: 0x5
[01:18:49] _iPhoenix_: Nah in user agreement
[01:18:49] LAX18: iPhoenix: but emojis are coming are they not?
[01:18:56] _iPhoenix_: those are different
[01:19:03] _iPhoenix_: "state-sponsored:
[01:19:04] _iPhoenix_: "
[01:19:07] jcgter777: im gonna post about iPhoenix
[01:19:13] LAX18: okay
[01:19:16] _iPhoenix_: why
[01:19:19] _iPhoenix_: What did I do?
[01:19:25] jcgter777: ~spamming? :p
[01:19:26] [iPhoenixBot]: Please stop spamming.
[01:19:28] _iPhoenix_: I'm just breaking the rules
[01:19:34] _iPhoenix_: 0x5
[01:19:36] _iPhoenix_: <3
[01:19:45][x2] jcgter777: :rulebreaker
[01:20:04] jcgter777: 0x5, im gonna post about the third carma of unichat
[01:20:08] [iPhoenixBot]: I swear, it's the real _iPhoenix_, I'm just really bored
[01:20:17] jcgter777: /ban _iPhoenix_
[01:20:19] _iPhoenix_: karma? carma?
[01:20:24] _iPhoenix_: not this again x.x
[01:20:32] jcgter777: :p
[01:20:35] [iPhoenixBot]: User "_iPhoenix_" has been banned for: 1 eternity.
[01:20:51] LAX18: only a eternity 0x5
[01:20:52] [GLaDOS]: Cake will be served.
[01:21:12] LAX18: i kind of want to make a page of shame
[01:21:24] LAX18: with the usernames of people who have abused the servce
[01:21:24] [iPhoenixBot]: I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that. @LAX18
[01:21:34] LAX18: fine
[01:21:43] [_iPhoenix_]: Can I be #1?
[01:21:50] LAX18: 0x5
[01:22:07] jcgter777: ~karma
[01:22:08] [karmaBot]: jcgter777: jcgter777 has 0 karma.
[01:22:09] jcgter777: ~rank
[01:22:10] [karmaBot]: jcgter777 is ranked #13 in our database, with 0 karma.
[01:22:10] [karmaBot]: jcgter777 is ranked #8 in our database, with 0 karma.
[01:22:12] jcgter777: ?
[01:22:15] [GLaDOS]: Cake will be served.
[01:22:26] LAX18: ~rank
[01:22:26] [karmaBot]: LAX18 is ranked #10 in our database, with 0 karma.
[01:22:26] [karmaBot]: LAX18 is ranked #7 in our database, with 0 karma.
[01:22:32] [_iPhoenix_]: ~botabuse
[01:22:40] LAX18: ~rank iphoenic
[01:22:41] [GLaDOS]: Please don't abuse me
[01:22:42] LAX18: wow 0x5
[01:22:52] LAX18: ~rank iphoenix
[01:23:01] [_iPhoenix_]: ~rank _iPhoenix_
[01:23:16] [_iPhoenix_]: use that ^^
Basically, because the admin console is just the bot api and some banning scripts, I was able to do var bot = new Bot(<name>,"%") to create bots (like GLaDOS, Calculator, etc), and use bot.respond(<message>) to have fun.
I also abused the fact that "the UserID's are essentially pointers to the usernames, I can change your username at will".
I think this is the most fun I've had on UniChat since this, but I want to remind everyone that this is a rare occurrence and impersonation is bannable
Isn't it funny how the users were the only ones actually abiding by the rules of UniChat in the quote, and actually trying to stop me from breaking the rules hehe
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_iPhoenix_ wrote:
Isn't it funny how the users were the only ones actually abiding by the rules of UniChat in the quote, and actually trying to stop me from breaking the rules hehe
Yay! I'm a rule follower. Also, _iPhoenix_: can you change me to a Contributior?
EDIT: Is it possible to make a bot that is activated by multiple chars?
var testBot = new Bot("testBot", "!");
var testBot = new Bot("testBot", "testBOT:");
mets11rap wrote:
What is UniChat coded in, btw? Javascript?
html, js, and css.
html for main stuff, js for stuff, and css for styling
P.S. you can look at the github repo to see what the extensions are.
jcgter777 wrote:
_iPhoenix_ wrote:
Isn't it funny how the users were the only ones actually abiding by the rules of UniChat in the quote, and actually trying to stop me from breaking the rules hehe
Yay! I'm a rule follower. Also, _iPhoenix_: can you change me to a Contributior?
EDIT: Is it possible to make a bot that is activated by multiple chars?
var testBot = new Bot("testBot", "!");
var testBot = new Bot("testBot", "testBOT:");
1) You are, and have been for almost two weeks. Unless you mean collaborator, then no, not yet. Keep making high-quality and helpful pull requests.
2) Yes, that is planned. Until then, look into Basic Commands (and update your bot API, if you haven't already )
mets11rap wrote:
What is UniChat coded in, btw? Javascript?
UniChat is written primarily in JavaScript, using the amazing, holy, and deeply revered Google Firebase API for message storing/authentication/etc. HTML is used because it is a website, and 99.999999999999% of all websites are written in some HTML flavor, plus some other languages. There aren't any good alternatives. It also uses CSS, because I got a lot of flak for initially presenting a white webpage in Times New Roman. It was awful.
I like this analogy, because there's a lot of truth to it, and it's awesome.
"If a website is an animal, than the HTML is the skeleton, the JavaScript is the nervous and muscular systems, and the CSS is the fur/skin" - no clue
I think this from the MDN, though:
"HTML describes the layout of webpages, JavaScript [and PHP] describes the functionality of webpages, and CSS describes the looks of the webpage."
Unsure how to begin programming calculators? Check out awesome-ti-docs, a guided selection of resources from across the community.
Yay! I'm a rule follower. Also, _iPhoenix_: can you change me to a Contributior?
1) You are, and have been for almost two weeks. Unless you mean collaborator, then no, not yet. Keep making high-quality and helpful pull requests.
I mean "Contributior", with the typo. That'd be nice. IRC Channel Hoster's all right.
jcgter777 wrote:
Yay! I'm a rule follower. Also, _iPhoenix_: can you change me to a Contributior?
1) You are, and have been for almost two weeks. Unless you mean collaborator, then no, not yet. Keep making high-quality and helpful pull requests.
I mean "Contributior", with the typo. That'd be nice. IRC Channel Hoster's all right.
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