I had one last night. I forgot I was dreaming halfway through, but was still able to control things. It was similar to a normal dream after that point, but I was able to reset time and repeat things several times. Is that abnormal?
I realized that I was dreaming because I was somewhere I only went on Thursday, even though I knew for sure that it was Sunday. As soon as I left that location, I forgot that I was dreaming.
I had one last night, too!
I dreamed I was pacman, and actually played the game in my sleep (first person).
The game map wasn't really consistent, and the ghosts looked more like graphing calculators (more proof that a I have no life...) than ghosts, but it was an odd experience.
Also, when I finally "died" in-game, I woke up at my normal time.
I also fell out of bed, and my sleep recorder app (I use it to track my sleep) recorded sounds of me moving my mouth and going "wuhhm ppppp whuuuummmmpppp", almost like a weird, slowed down pacman.
commandblockguy wrote:
I had one last night. I forgot I was dreaming halfway through, but was still able to control things. It was similar to a normal dream after that point, but I was able to reset time and repeat things several times. Is that abnormal?
Not really. I've had many dreams where I controlled things in the dream despite not truly realizing I was dreaming. Sometimes there will be a rationalization in the dream plot, such as owning a time machine. On the flip side, it's also quite common to realize you're dreaming (meaning it's an actual lucid dream) but find you're unable to control anything to save your life. In my experience, there can even be gray areas as well, such as recognizing that what's taking place in a dream isn't real but without fully remembering it's an actual dream. For instance, I occasionally think I'm just daydreaming or something, forgetting that I'm asleep, and totally overlook the fact that I'm literally seeing everything as if it's actually happening around me.
Lucid dreaming has always been an interesting hobby of mine, I started doing it back when I was about fifteen. Its gotten to the point that I can start, stop, resume, switch or create a new dream even while asleep. It's pretty crazy when you think of it. I got most of the idea of lucid dreaming after reading Jack London's "The Star Rover."
First thing I learned to do was to fly and levitate, through trial and error, taking me about three months, as I could not at this point force a lucid dream to happen but rather took them as they came. I then advanced to more complicated things like being able to look at any thing I wished in detail, to freeze or slow time. It was about two years ago that i successfully figured out how to force myself to lucid dream with me in full control.
the most interesting things which I have successfully managed to do as of late, albeit without 100% success, is to create people in my dreams or enemies to fight, which has had some unfortunate consequences. In one of my more fully awake lucid dreams, I was fighting a clone of me, and punching me while flying going after me and going blow for blow. It was pretty even(I recall at one point entering space, something not that I was attempting but happened anyways): however I was rudely awakened after I felt sharp pain to my upper face. I awoke and realised I had punched myself in the eye.
Anyways, more recently Ive managed to expand the lucid dreaming of sorts to daydreaming, in that I am not sleeping but fully awake and with my eyes open, yet I can see, and feel, and hear fully, vividly,in my mind my dream or thought -stream.
So, to conclude for lucid dreaming I can create matter, people, inspect objects, freeze or slow time, fly, do flying inversions and loop-d-loops, levitate, start stop or generally resume any dream I can remember.
To this day I still remember my first lucid dream I could control, which enjoyably was flight.
I've heard of lucid dreaming, but I have never been able to accomplish it myself, as I can never get my mind to calm down enough.
Any tips? Or perhaps a tutorial that I missed while I was searching the Web?
I've heard of lucid dreaming, but I have never been able to accomplish it myself, as I can never get my mind to calm down enough.
Lucid dreaming i ve found can't be forced as a process until you actually start controlling your dreams. The typical process involves doing what is a "reality check", to determine if one is in a dream. This includes flying or pinching yourself, as you typically do not feel pain. Also, to encourage lucid dreaming, some write in a notebook their dreams they had, or focus on remembering their dreams for weeks afterwards( this helped with my lucid dreaming) to increase your awareness during a dream. Numerous tutorial-like thingies can be found on youtube, just google it. you can't rely on just one of these sources, rather read a bunch and take and try with various methods, as not all of them work for some people.
Also, it maybe that lucid dreaming is just very difficult for you to do. If that's the case, I would ask if youve ever had a dream where you were the slightest bit aware you were in a dream. If you did, you had a lucid dream.
Oh, and to help with quieting your mind to ease into dreaming, sometimes tea before bed (without caffeine) helps. Also try to practice a few times a day, when you don't have anything tot do, try emptying your mind. Don't make it a conscious effort, like "I'm trying to empty my mind and not think of anything, crap i'm thinking of something, stop thinking about that, etc....", instead just focus on some uninteresting or familiar object and let your mind zone out, until you can't remember what you were doing. Another technique some people have used is to stare into a mirror at yourself without blinking for about two min or a min, or at least stare with blinking as little as possible for about fifteen minutes; That'll get you jump started, but be warned, it is quite mind-warping and if you haven't experienced it before, it can be quite disorientating . In addition,if you have ever been unconscious, but remember how it felt when you were slipping into it, try to remember that feeling when you attempt to start a lucid dream, that has worked for me a lot.
Anyways, good luck Caleb and Happy dreams!
There are quite a few different approaches and methods out there. Some work better for some people than others, so it may take some trial and error to find which one you have the most success with. It's important to realize up front that getting started will require plenty of motivation, persistence, and patience. Some people seem to pick it up and get the hang of it almost immediately, while others have struggled for years before having a single lucid dream. Most people fall somewhere in the middle. The tricky thing about this all is that it seems to be a somewhat different journey for every individual.
But at any rate, here is the list of introductory tutorials at the LD forum I happen to hang out on (I've never been to any others, so I can't speak for them):
http://www.dreamviews.com/induction-methods-techniques/ You can start with any method, but the DILD/MILD methods are the way most people get started. It's a good idea to focus on one for a while and give it a chance (at least a few weeks) before trying something else.
Also, to encourage lucid dreaming, some write in a notebook their dreams they had, or focus on remembering their dreams for weeks afterwards( this helped with my lucid dreaming) to increase your awareness during a dream.
That's a good idea, too; I'd highly recommend that. It helps you become familiar with the nature and content of your dreams, which can help you learn to recognize them and become lucid. Not to mention it's just plain fun to go back after several years and read about the crazy adventures you had. It can be tedious at times, but it's worth it.
Warning: this dream was probably my most frightening I've ever had, partly due to the sheer terror I felt, the pain, and the loss of control of my dream. If you don't wanna read blood or gore, don't read any further.
Part 1
So this happened just this night, and it was frightening enough that I'm getting goosebumps now as I remember it. Having recently lost my grand father, who was present in the dream the whole time made the loss of him in my dream once more very upsetting.
Setting; a large van, possibly Grand Caravan, leather seats, along the endless road. (endless in the sense that I could see no end to it; it stretched off into mystery fog at either end,yet we were able to stop at intervals)
People: myself, my immediate family of my sister, my mum, my dad, and about four or five unidentifiable people
So the dream begins with us driving a long, a very misty drizzly road. Normally I like this weather, but I felt rather ambivalent about it in the dream. After an indeterminable amount of time of pure driving and hearing the noise of the road, I fell asleep in my dream, then realised I was in a dream and woke up, and began to change things, after having done my reality check. (Sometimes I don't need to do this as I am already certain and don't even bother; at other times it can be dream-breaking so I don't often do it. My technique is putting my hand through my arm or pushing a finger through my palm)
So I decide to change an umbrella into a black katana in its sheath. Meanwhile, I'm talking about something, I don't remember what with my grandfather. We decide, as in not me actively, but more like a general will and not my choice to pull over to a gas station/ rest area.
As we pull in, I notice a few things. First, a beautiful deep mirror black 88 Olds, with a paint so wet it looked like you could dive in and swim, second another car, a sorta crappy Honda civicy thing, and lastly, some people outside with their hands up and some people running around inside one of the buildings wearing movie-style black ski-masks.
Somehow, my dream had spawned in its own convenience store robbery(this was not part of my active lucid dreaming, and from here is where I started to lose control)
Anyhow, I chose to wait and take a nap along with the rest of my family in the van. I reclined the seat super far back and luxuriously stretched out. I remember smelling that new car smell of rubber and carpet as I began to rest. In passing conversation, my grandfather mentions to me that the Olds is his(he didn't own one IRL), and talks about how much fun it is to drive.
I get the bright idea(at this point I stopped being able to change anything in my dream. It has happened before, but not with anything like what happened as the next sequence of events), that we should toss a zippo lighter movie style out our window,as I had noticed the bad guys were pumping their car in the midst of the robbery, and explode the whole place to punish them. My dad is holding the zippo and is just about to throw it out the window when my grandfather speaks and says:" well it's a shame that the Olds is gonna get wrecked."
Instantly I decide that this should not be and grab the lighter just as its thrown, We then decide that myself, my grandfather and my dad, are going to go to the Olds, and drive it away to prevent it from getting damaged. all of a sudden there is no light, such that there are no stars, no moon, nothing to see by, and so pitch black I can't see anything but about six inches in front of me.
I grab the katana,after hushing some other family member's concerns, and we crawl out of the van.
We successfully made our way to the Olds,with myself in the back along with my grandfather, then the back of the car seemed to morph into emptyness. I looked over the back and thought i heard a noise so I unsheathed the sword. I then feel it twisted by the blade in my grasp so that it is pointing at me, then it starts to slide towards me as I strain with all my strength to stop it. The urge to stop it becomes so great that at this point I forgot I was lucid dreaming.
The sword slides towards me and I feel the cool steel part my skin's upper layers of my face,then hot blood trickling down,then it goes deeper, sideways and I feel it cutting and stabbing, tugging at my flesh, all the while I feel hot ooze everywhere. It seeps through my hands and I confusedly stare at it. ( Side note: having once had surgery in which during the last half, the anaesthesia had worn off and I could feel the blade slicing me and the blood, and the metal and the pain, this felt a lot worse than I can even describe)
The blade keeps going through me, then the camera focus of the dream shifts in a way to third person, and Im staring at myself.
Next part 2.
Part 2
So i feel the blade edge in me and now can look at myself from third person, while i'm writhing in agony. Then i see my body start to peel away in slices, like when you cut open a sausage half-way and you can see the inside. Now i try to wake up, but I can't I keep trying again and again but I can't. Then the blade start towards the other people in my dream and i see it slice through the neck of my dad and and my grand father, the blood bubbling and welling then gushing like water out of a small spring.
The dark red blood is everywhere and I feel as though Im drowning in it and I start to go unconscious in my dream. Then I feel myself in reality, as my body begins to wake up in my bed, falling into unconsciousness in the real world.
I then black out from the intense pain, and wake up a while later , still not remembering that I'm in a dream. However I can't move, nor can I open my eyes, meanwhile the dream starts to reform and start again where it had left off, except now I'm burning(having once accidentally set my skin on fire, I unfortunately know what that feels like too). I still can't wake up and am pretty terrified by this point as you imagine as I can't move, while I'm burning and being stabbed and drowning and watching my body being cut like deli meat, somehow all at once.
I have no idea how but I woke up, and my eyes opened and I saw the ceiling but I still couldn't move until about three minutes later. Any ideas as to why? Anyways, thanks for reading, it made me feel a lot better to type this whole thing.
Lord_Charlemagne wrote:
Part 2
So i feel the blade edge in me and now can look at myself from third person, while i'm writhing in agony. Then i see my body start to peel away in slices, like when you cut open a sausage half-way and you can see the inside. Now i try to wake up, but I can't I keep trying again and again but I can't. Then the blade start towards the other people in my dream and i see it slice through the neck of my dad and and my grand father, the blood bubbling and welling then gushing like water out of a small spring.
The dark red blood is everywhere and I feel as though Im drowning in it and I start to go unconscious in my dream. Then I feel myself in reality, as my body begins to wake up in my bed, falling into unconsciousness in the real world.
I then black out from the intense pain, and wake up a while later , still not remembering that I'm in a dream. However I can't move, nor can I open my eyes, meanwhile the dream starts to reform and start again where it had left off, except now I'm burning(having once accidentally set my skin on fire, I unfortunately know what that feels like too). I still can't wake up and am pretty terrified by this point as you imagine as I can't move, while I'm burning and being stabbed and drowning and watching my body being cut like deli meat, somehow all at once.
I have no idea how but I woke up, and my eyes opened and I saw the ceiling but I still couldn't move until about three minutes later. Any ideas as to why? Anyways, thanks for reading, it made me feel a lot better to type this whole thing.
Were you dropped as a baby?! jk
I had a similar dream, but then one of they guys in it said "I guess we need to turn up the anesthesia?" and the dream ended there...