This is the main topic here about my Library, which add a lot of command to make 3d available on ti83+/84+ with the help of axe parser.
The first topic can be found on omnimaga :
download is avaible here, but this is not the last version. Check the tuto thread for download
I've done some tutorial, because the lib can be complex, and they can be found here :
anyway some screenshot !!

(in progress thing)
(avaible with the latest update)
some contest with matref
and the very last thing, experimental and unoptimized :
voilĂ !
Until you wrote "some contest with matref", I thought perhaps you were taking credit
Matrefeytontias' work.

Do you thread the 3D computations into the display update at all? Considering how respectably fast this is in Axe, I'm curious what a bit of careful pure z80 ASM optimization could bring to the table. Do you have any plans to make a game or other program out of this?
I don't know what speed I can gain with asm optimization... A lot maybe, mainely in grâphics command (triangle filling, texture...).
The display update is totally independent from all the 3D drawing ect. (It's almost pure axe)
I basically wanted to do a game with it (and that why I started the project), a sort of RPG with a lot of thing =). But Idk if this project will reach one day completition.
EDIT new screen ! :
You forgot to say that some of these screenshots run at 15 MHz ... but anyway, I'm sure than this lib can only benefit from being turned into an axiom when it's fully done
yep, it's true. The wave, and the experimental thing run at 15MHz.
The very last screen run at 6MHz, though
last progress. This is at 15MHz
Insanity, looks amazing

The texture mapping is incredible imo.
Are you planning a game with this?
Wow! It is amazing! I wish Windows 95 coders would be this amazing!
CalebHansberry wrote:
Wow! It is amazing! I wish Windows 95 coders would be this amazing!
Have you ever seen Demoscene creations? There certainly were coders in the Windows 95 era who made programs with unbelievably cool graphics and music in just a few kilobytes. If you want a perfect example, check out ASCII Madness and ASCII Madness 2 on Ben Ryves' products page. TheMachine, very impressive work indeed, and I look forward to seeing whether you plan to make any sort of program or game with this.
I actually plan a game, but idk if I will one day succed to complet it
TheMachine02 wrote:
I actually plan a game, but idk if I will one day succed to complet it
Can you tell us more about that idea, or do you want to wait until you have something to show for it?
So it's been a week or two that I have started to port this engine to the ez80 83PCE, and I must say that first result is encouraging !
Have some screenshots:
almost 3000 poly!
This one is about 563 triangles, the next one is more ~600 poly.
And the last one, with some lightning added !
There is still quite a lot of things to implement, but it is in progress !
Oh wow, that's really impressive. Did you port this in ez80 ASM, or did you start from scratch with a C library of your own (or someone else's)? Do you have any particular applications planned for it?
KermMartian wrote:
Oh wow, that's really impressive. Did you port this in ez80 ASM, or did you start from scratch with a C library of your own (or someone else's)?
TheMachine02 wrote:
I have started to port this engine to the ez80 83PCE
Sounds like he ported it to ASM.
Yeah, however I guess it is more a start from scratch in order to use neww capabilities of the ez80 processor than a 'port'. It is hand-made asm, by me
The goal is to make a library in the end, and seeing possibilities of poygons rendering, something like starfox could be doable.
I got a pretty irrelevant question considering the awesomeness of this, but how much memory do these models occupy? Also, have you tried some smaller renderings on the ez80, perhapse just a regular polyhedron just to get a feel of the possibilities (the 3k poly is cool but pretty useless for use in games and things where the main goal is not to just render things)
The chocobo occupies about 10K memory. The 3k poly use almost 50K (however, it should be quite compression friendly and the model format can (and will) optimized some more)
I did test other small model :
A walrii, <100 poly, about ~70 vertices
Which run quite well.
A starfox ship:
The starfox run @30fps, I miss the @60 fps by about 200000TStates.
Because ez80 power ' :
Hey, you made some progress! Can you tell us more about what you've changed and added, if this is still ASM, what you support (lighting? shading? what kind of texturing?), and how that skybox works?
Still pure asm, indeed

I've added support for clipping, affine texture mapping. It doesn't support shading, but perface lightning is doable (but only with flat filling). The skybox work the hardway, with a textured dome around the rotation point (sure, it is quite inefficient, but e don't have cubemap... )
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