I would REALLY want to start a project that involves porting windows 10 (making a simulator) to my ti84+SE. I also dont know whether or not to spend the hours of time it would take me to do such a (complex thing). The idea came to my mind after i returned from a 1 week trip to silicon valley. The reason being that is that i saw tons of different and cool windows 10 devices on that trip and i would like to add my calc to the list of devices that CAN run win10 (or at least a simulator).
Would anyone tell me whether it is worth the time?! I would have to do evrything in basic.
The calc would then become the oldest win10 device ever ( along with my 2008 desktop i just upgraded to win10).
Would anyone tell me whether it is worth the time?! I would have to do evrything in basic.
The calc would then become the oldest win10 device ever ( along with my 2008 desktop i just upgraded to win10).