I've had this tab open for a while because I have some semi-relevant stuff to contribute but was debating because it's not exactly a lucid dream. I figured I could at least share this and either get feedback or help others enter a lucid state while dreaming.
I got a TV in my room when I was young. Maybe, 9 or 10 if not younger. At first it was really basic, it was a 13" CRT TV that I hooked my PS2 up to. No basic channels or anything. I don't exactly know how it progressed but now I fall asleep to the TV every night, part of me wants to remove this dependency from my routine. We're in a day of age where pretty much anything we want in our first-world life is endless but I happen to believe that I'm being wasteful when I fall asleep to the TV and Netflix.
Anyways. It's gotten to the point that I sleep better with the stimulus from the TV than without. I sleep super well when the TV is on but the moment it turns off I start dreaming. The other night I had a dream that I was in my work truck with a coworker when we got to a tunnel with two entrances, one for each direction of traffic with a wall down the middle. Our side, the left side (not the right), had a sign in front of it that said "CAUTION: Fire Danger" and I could see flames on the dividing wall of the tunnel. Those flames got larger as I argued with him not go down
that side of the tunnel. I eventually got him to agree that we'll go down the wrong way since it was open, well it didn't say it was closed.
We get to some arbitrary point in the tunnel when all the sudden we're outside flying and slowly flipping over a freeway. I see the roadway through the windshield and, while hanging on to the "Oh Sh--" handle and the seat remember "I'm dreaming." So I open my eyes, roll over to my iPad, unlock it and select a video I had saved and return to a deep sleep. Not sure how to accurately describe the "open my eyes" thing when my eyes were open during the dream but... dreams.
I fall asleep to my TV and Netflix but I keep my iPad mounted to my bed frame as well. I have found and downloaded multi-hour long space documentaries, one is 3.5 hours long and another is 4.5 hours long, that I just play every night. With Netflix, I try to get through a show. Picking up on the episode I fell asleep on and everything. These documentaries, I don't bother. I'll play the same one for weeks. I download them to my iPad because that way I'm not consuming bandwidth and if my internet ever does go down, I can still at least sleep!
Here's the thing though. I'm an incredibly deep sleeper when I have the stimulus. On Wednesday I didn't hear my alarm because I misjudged the amount of time I had before my alarm. To elaborate, I usually wake up from my dreams a few hours before I go to work. Sometimes a few hours after I go to bed. For relevance: I go to bed at 7p, wake up at 2a. Last night I woke up at 9:30pm. I play the 4 hour video on my iPad and go to bed. But I have to fast forward a bit in the video, in this case about an hour in, so I can be in a light sleep when my alarm goes off.
On Wednesday I must have miscalculated because I slept through my alarm and woke up 30 minutes late -- Don't worry, still made it to work on time. But this stimulus is the difference between light and deep sleep. My alarm goes off once and I'm up. I've had people knock on my bedroom door, I've had fireworks go off, I've even had an earthquake happen and I slept through it all.
My goal is to eventually try white noise and some smart lights altering their color and brightness to help me sleep throughout the night for once. Even going as far as, when I buy a house, installing a house-wide speaker system but that's tangent to the point

Part of me thinks it's the droning narration that helps put me to sleep and white noise won't cut it. So, I might substitute white noise with podcasts or audiobooks since I can easily put those in a playlist that continues to the next one.
Now my question is: How do you guys get a restful sleep with these dreams? I have never felt refreshed when waking up after an entire night of dreaming, which I do rarely. Do you guys have a stimulus that you've managed to discover that is your key for lucid dreaming? When I roll over and play my iPad video, I fall asleep almost instantly there's no "I'm up for 20 minutes" or trouble getting back to sleep. I don't have trouble staying and getting back to sleep, just staying in a deep sleep or getting a well rested night of sleep without stimulus.