Cemecraft: An Epic Server Spawn
Recently, I decided to make a server spawn for Minecraft. Essentially, Cemecraft (credits to Comic for the name), named after Cemetech, will be a massive spawnpoint compatible with both all versions of Minecraft back to and including 1.5.2 and LAN worlds. The spawn will consist of a spawning platform, several water features and gardens, shops, some "administrator rooms", a rail system, a transportation hub, and several Cemetechian features (and Easter Eggs). This project is just in the planning stage (though work will commence on Monday), so any input and/or ideas on what we should do will be appreciated!
Recently, I decided to make a server spawn for Minecraft. Essentially, Cemecraft (credits to Comic for the name), named after Cemetech, will be a massive spawnpoint compatible with both all versions of Minecraft back to and including 1.5.2 and LAN worlds. The spawn will consist of a spawning platform, several water features and gardens, shops, some "administrator rooms", a rail system, a transportation hub, and several Cemetechian features (and Easter Eggs). This project is just in the planning stage (though work will commence on Monday), so any input and/or ideas on what we should do will be appreciated!