turiqwalrus wrote:
charlessprinkle wrote:
Teleportation also makes semi-irrelevant the usage of horses and minecarts or nether, so why use transportation when you can teleport to satisfy most of your needs?
To be fair, Horses are semi-irrelevant anyway, as long as you're still playing on amplified terrain.
Just saying, but horses are a lot better than teleportation. There has been a few times where I have teleported into the ground. Horses, at least, stay aboveground, in this respect. And I believe that we should limit how much and where a player can teleport. This way, someone can't just teleport around Minecraft, getting all the good stuff. Just to be fair.
I also want to promote the use of provided transportation methods. In 1.8 we have the rail but it's under used. In 1.9 I want to encourage the exploration of spawn and the usage of provided transportation: whether it's with paths, another world wide rail system, or both.
I think the teleportation in 1.8 didn't help in the risk-reward aspect. "Oh, I died. /home" or whatever. I realize how important certain commands are to the game, such as /home, but I do want to limit teleportation in 1.9.
comicIDIOT wrote:
I also want to promote the use of provided transportation methods. In 1.8 we have the rail but it's under used. In 1.9 I want to encourage the exploration of spawn and the usage of provided transportation: whether it's with paths, another world wide rail system, or both.
I think the teleportation in 1.8 didn't help in the risk-reward aspect. "Oh, I died. /home" or whatever. I realize how important certain commands are to the game, such as /home, but I do want to limit teleportation in 1.9.
I also would like to see less or no teleport commands in 1.9 to promote horses/minecarts etc... I even think they're planning on making minecarts faster than now in 1.9 but I don't have a source
comicIDIOT wrote:
I also want to promote the use of provided transportation methods. In 1.8 we have the rail but it's under used. In 1.9 I want to encourage the exploration of spawn and the usage of provided transportation: whether it's with paths, another world wide rail system, or both.
To be fair, I'm not using the rail system as much as I could because it's broken at the moment and only goes north
Oh, I hope to God we don't do the basic amplified package again. Amplified is a mess, an armageddon of towering mountains that have little flow to them. while having areas like that if nice, an entire world? naw, thats more like blockbarf for world settings. who cares if it is challenging? I dont think we ever really saw anything that was built to utilize such terrain.
As for the glitchy rail system, I thought that it would work unless someone punched a button one too many times, which would cause it to crap out (failure to flush old keys?). at least I seem to remember Kerm saying that at one point in the past.
Horse Breeding is a fun hobby.
so, besides transportation via commands, what other issues are considered open for this thread?
Luxen wrote:
As for the glitchy rail system, I thought that it would work unless someone punched a button one too many times, which would cause it to crap out (failure to flush old keys?). at least I seem to remember Kerm saying that at one point in the past.
If true, then the rail system would work after the daily server reset.
so, besides transportation via commands, what other issues are considered open for this thread?
Luxen wrote:
Oh, I hope to God we don't do the basic amplified package again. Amplified is a mess, an armageddon of towering mountains that have little flow to them. while having areas like that if nice, an entire world? naw, thats more like blockbarf for world settings. who cares if it is challenging? I dont think we ever really saw anything that was built to utilize such terrain.
That is why I suggested custom terain generator wich you can change for your needs. Look some posts back.
ComicIDIOT wrote:
I also want to promote the use of provided transportation methods. In 1.8 we have the rail but it's under used. In 1.9 I want to encourage the exploration of spawn and the usage of provided transportation: whether it's with paths, another world wide rail system, or both.
I think the teleportation in 1.8 didn't help in the risk-reward aspect. "Oh, I died. /home" or whatever. I realize how important certain commands are to the game, such as /home, but I do want to limit teleportation in 1.9.
I feel the rail system is really awesome and everything, but think it would be cool if the community were to make the rail system if there is to be one. As we have wanted to encourage perhaps making paths between towns and spawn, and making nice bridges, this would fall under that I feel-- and it could be done as seen fit.
I continue to agree with limiting teleportation and the points related to why we'd want to limit it. If we couldn't go more vanilla and just pull it out altogether to really encourage path making and exploration, then I'd definitely limit it.
Luxen wrote:
Oh, I hope to God we don't do the basic amplified package again. Amplified is a mess, an armageddon of towering mountains that have little flow to them. while having areas like that if nice, an entire world? naw, thats more like blockbarf for world settings. who cares if it is challenging? I dont think we ever really saw anything that was built to utilize such terrain.
A couple of things. There *are* things that are built to utilize such terrain, and I myself find some of the amplified terrain gorgeous to build in. You would have to venture to every single town and look at every single thing to say there is nothing built to utilize such terrain. There are indeed a few towns that utilize the terrain. Also, remember that there may be other people who like it more for some of the amazing/beautiful aspects they see in it, and may simply build around it so that it serves as a backdrop. The other thing is there *are* people who care that it's more challenging or not super easy, including me. I don't think using infinitives works here to describe how everyone feels/thinks/does, when it's all just your opinion, which there is nothing wrong with (: There are people who agree with it, and people who disagree.
There was discussion here where I mentioned related to utilizing custom world generation settings, perhaps using a preset online we can download. A good balance I felt would be a preset mentioned here which balances mountains and plains (which I have gone through in singleplayer and found really cool). This will allow for plenty of regions where people rather just work in a flatter area and not worry about the terrain, and also allow for some nice scenic builds near the mountains for those who like the more amplified-related terrain. The fact that it's also custom will make the server unique.
charlessprinkle wrote:
I feel the rail system is really awesome and everything, but think it would be cool if the community were to make the rail system if there is to be one. As we have wanted to encourage perhaps making paths between towns and spawn, and making nice bridges, this would fall under that I feel-- and it could be done as seen fit.
I continue to agree with limiting teleportation and the points related to why we'd want to limit it. If we couldn't go more vanilla and just pull it out altogether to really encourage path making and exploration, then I'd definitely limit it.
A couple of things. There *are* things that are built to utilize such terrain, and I myself find some of the amplified terrain gorgeous to build in. You would have to venture to every single town and look at every single thing to say there is nothing built to utilize such terrain. There are indeed a few towns that utilize the terrain. Also, remember that there may be other people who like it more for some of the amazing/beautiful aspects they see in it, and may simply build around it so that it serves as a backdrop. The other thing is there *are* people who care that it's more challenging or not super easy, including me. I don't think using infinitives works here to describe how everyone feels/thinks/does, when it's all just your opinion, which there is nothing wrong with (: There are people who agree with it, and people who disagree.
There was discussion
here where I mentioned related to utilizing custom world generation settings, perhaps using a preset online we can download. A good balance I felt would be a preset mentioned
here which balances mountains and plains (which I have gone through in singleplayer and found really cool). This will allow for plenty of regions where people rather just work in a flatter area and not worry about the terrain, and also allow for some nice scenic builds near the mountains for those who like the more amplified-related terrain. The fact that it's also custom will make the server unique.
I do agree with this. This would be nice to see. And, by the way, when I tried to get into the Cemetech server yesterday, it said "Invalid session data". What does this mean, and how can I solve it? Is it possible to download the minecraft server thing from minecraft.net and get into the Cemetech server that way? Because my computer got wiped, and right now, all I have is the launcher. Not that I want to hijack this thread, just need the answer to those two questions.
No you can not use the Minecraft Server downlaod to connect to mc.cemetech.net. That download is if you want to make a server for yourself. You can't play minecraft using that.
Try to close the launcher an resign in, that may allow you to get in.
caleb1997 wrote:
And, by the way, when I tried to get into the Cemetech server yesterday, it said "Invalid session data". What does this mean, and how can I solve it? Is it possible to download the minecraft server thing from minecraft.net and get into the Cemetech server that way? Because my computer got wiped, and right now, all I have is the launcher. Not that I want to hijack this thread, just need the answer to those two questions.
You can always make a topic, or find a more appropriate topic, instead of hijacking.
Ok. Thanks! Sorry about that, comicIDIOT !
Hello guys, if we reset server, we lose all of the work that we originally created in this game... I personally think that we should keep this map but expand out more, since most of the map is wilderness and only about 1/4th of it is town land. We still have 3/4 of the land left. Maybe instead of making a new map, we could enable PvP and bring the server back to what it used to be in the past...
Cheeze wrote:
if we reset server, we lose all of the work that we originally created in this game
Cheeze wrote:
we should keep this map but expand out more, since most of the map is wilderness and only about 1/4th of it is town land. We still have 3/4 of the land left
That is true that everything will become history and might be missed, especially for those who have been around for much of the time this map has existed ~14 months. If we continue to just expand the map though especially in light of new terrain generations, the map expansions start to get a big unpleasing to the eye, and the map gets unnecessarily big. I think especially for those newer to the server, no one would want to venture out 10,000 blocks to find the newest and unoccupied land, and things would start to get old/boring for those who have been around for a while.
The 1/4th and 3/4ths ratio or related ratio lacks the idea that you can't just put towns border to border everywhere and eventually allow no one to expand and forever be trapped between one another. Towns need breathing space.
Cheeze wrote:
Maybe instead of making a new map, we could enable PvP and bring the server back to what it used to be in the past
You would have to be on the server longer to understand why we actually just switched to PvE, the way it used to be. Else, I think just reading the forum would explain why we are on PvE, and why this is what we are strongly aiming for, with no intent on going back to open PvP anytime soon.
Namely, this headline topic and going for a little more insight, namely this and this
What we could do is have warps to north, east, west, and south.
I honestly would like a map reset, because it has been really hard for me to find any cave systems that have not been explored. Could we maybe have a map reset ever 6-12 months? This is from a newbies POV of course.
Unicorn wrote:
What we could do is have warps to north, east, west, and south.
That's an idea to toss around. I am not a fan at the moment because it doesn't quite encourage exploring and if we remove a big chunk of a players teleportation abilities, warps could both satisfy faster travel and lack of exploration.
I want the 1.9 server to be scenic and beautiful. I want to promote taking the pathways to towns rather than a portal to the correct side and a path way. Creating portals may create tensions between players who want their town the closest or if someone is hogging a portal.
Just because I don't like the idea doesn't mean we can't discuss and vote on it.
I honestly would like a map reset, because it has been really hard for me to find any cave systems that have not been explored. Could we maybe have a map reset ever 6-12 months? This is from a newbies POV of course.
I'm pretty sure most users are aware that we are resetting the server when we move to 1.9. It'll likely be as big as 1.8 or bigger. Again, I'm not fond of the reset every 6-12 months as it may stagnate creation towards the end of the time frame and we'll have plenty of room for exploration and creation.
I would certainly be open to the idea of having a resource world that does get reset where players can mine and explore.
ComicIDIOT wrote:
Unicorn wrote:
What we could do is have warps to north, east, west, and south.
I am not a fan at the moment because it doesn't quite encourage exploring and if we remove a big chunk of a players teleportation abilities, warps could both satisfy faster travel and lack of exploration.
I agree with this and the general direction we have been trying to push the 1.9 server in as far as transportation. If we use teleportation to the ends of the map, we most likely will not be seeing as much creation of paths in the wilderness and such from town to town. Why make any paths in general if you have the ability to teleport anywhere you want? I agree with the convenience of teleportation, which I do use on this map to quickly go from place to place, but I would rather be forbidden to teleport and not have the convenience in the first place. It would both encourage me to make regular paths for both me and everyone to use, and also make the work I've done on the path and at my destination feel that much more valuable. I want to feel like I've made a beautiful path for good use, and also feel like the time I've spent walking back and forth adds value to what I have accomplished during that trip. In turn as a positive feedback loop, the good amount of time I will spend traveling in the wilderness will feedback and urge me to make my journey interesting and eye-pleasing by making beautiful paths to run along, which encourages me to use that path and inspires me to make more beautiful paths. It all checks out.
ComicIDIOT wrote:
I'm not fond of the reset every 6-12 months as it may stagnate creation towards the end of the time frame and we'll have plenty of room for exploration and creation.
I see the possible plus-sides to resetting on a higher frequency basis, but I feel it does more harm to the main goal than good for this reason. I would agree with the idea that it will discourage building more and more awesome things if you know that the map will just reset itself in a short time... why ever work on anything you invest a whole lot of time into? 12-24 months is probably the more ideal time frame if we want to accomplish a lot and encourage large-scale projects.
Tying into both the idea of encouraging large scale projects on a longer duration map, and the idea of not teleporting to encourage path-making, a perfect example that advocates these ideas is the project Monkey0x9 and I are working on-- massive bridges that go from the north rail terminal to each of our towns.
See our bridge projects here:
(perhaps some in-game screenshots in a different topic/thread soon...)
I would be very happy to continue these kind of level of projects on the next map in light of not having teleportation or at least very limited teleportation ability. Perhaps even take this idea to the next level...
As to teleportation, I'd prefer it stay as it is now. I go walking everywhere I want to go when I want to explore. I don't want to risk going across the map, loading up on goods, and trying to survive back, that's just not cool.
Also, there are people that like to show off their builds, I'd imagine waiting 30 minutes for someone to talk there will be a turn off toward that goal.
Just leave teleporting as it is. It works, let's not break that, please.
And having at least a 2 year limit between map resets should be recommended. It takes a long time to build things up and really get going into a game. If you take that away every little while, there is indeed no point in building anything.
Teleportation (the basic stuff like /home, /tpa, /t spawn, and /spawn) doesn't decrease exploration. The nice thing about those is, with those, no one will build right next to spawn or a warp and use that to get back to their base. People want one base that is theirs and they want it someplace awesome. This is where /home comes in. With /home, people don't have to walk several thousand blocks every time they forget to grab their pickaxe or die repeatedly trying to get back to their base because a creeper sneaked up on them while they were mining or exploring. Town spawn also falls under this category.
Having /t spawn for only the person's town is definitely a good idea. I like having to walk in the wilderness (except at night because soooo many monsters), but if someone dies and they need to get back to their town, they're not going to walk a thousand blocks to get back to their town and retrieve their stuff. I am definitely in favour of having paths and roads to other towns, but please no railways since they are lagtastic.
Yes exploring the world is fun. I do it every time I go squid hunting or if I need to get to monkeyman's guardian farm. If you take away the basics, the freebuild aspect will decrease significantly. People will think "Oh, there's no /home or /t spawn. All I get is /spawn. I guess I can't really go far out." and cluster around spawn, which will make spawn ugly (even if the builds are nice but they might not go with the spawn theme or colour palette). The risk of losing everything you worked for, especially if you're starting out, is huge; and no one, including a new person, is going to want to go through that.
Teleporting to people is also another huge help for exploration. People won't make their bases right next to each other, which promotes exploring the wilderness significantly and making super cool stuff. People are more inclined to respond positively at (and actually do) "Hey let's explore this cave! TP to me!" than "Hey let's explore this cave! It's a thousand blocks north of spawn, then take a left at this giant oak tree and follow the giant river another 200 blocks east." New people would say to that second one: "Seriously? No thanks I'll just strip mine under my house."
This is how people work, especially new people. If you want to get rid of teleporting, fine; but watch the new people leave one by one because they don't have a /home to go to.
long story short...
I think some long forgotten vanilla features such as the enderchest and bed could be considered as possible solutions to some issues of not having certain teleportations available and any risks involved with regard to belongings.
Teleportation doesn't have to disappear completely, it could be limited as to what we see will not limit the urge to create paths between places, whether that be spawn, towns, or any other general map location. I feel that if teleportation is kept the same as what it is now, it would give no dominant/compelling reason for anyone to touch the wilderness to make paths other than making explorations/adventures, which wouldn't make any paths.
Yes, the wilderness between towns and spawn is dangerous if you don't light up things so that it's mostly safe the next time you traverse it. I feel that the server might as well be on peaceful if no one wants to ever touch mobs and encounter any form of risks in completing tasks. Risks, on an acceptable level, make things both fun, interesting, and makes completing tasks more valuable.
tifreak8x wrote:
I don't want to risk going across the map, loading up on goods, and trying to survive back, that's just not cool.
Chauronslilsis wrote:
I like having to walk in the wilderness (except at night because soooo many monsters), but if someone dies and they need to get back to their town, they're not going to walk a thousand blocks to get back to their town and retrieve their stuff.
But that's why it would encourage making paths between places, because who would want to deal with troubles every single time you transport goods back and forth and deal with brain-eating monsters? That's what torches and lighting is for! You go between two places, and you light up a path. If it's a temporary place, you can backtrack with your torch path, and if it's used often, you develop the path aesthetically in addition to that. Altogether, you only have to deal with a genuinely dangerous trip once when you light the path up, and especially on paths that are well established and used on some basis, there should be no reason that it's ever dangerous anymore if it's well lit to some radius around it.
Perhaps on top of this, I think we have possibly forgotten/lost sight of the fact that in vanilla minecraft, if we so allow, has enderchests to protect your most valued goods you never want to lose, and also bed mechanics such that you never have to respawn thousands of blocks away from a place you're at. In vanilla minecraft (which we could view as a standard/default setting), you can bring both of these items on your trip and you will neither lose your most valued items, nor have to make the entire journey again as long as you're smart and don't put your bed where it can be destroyed by a creeper.
I did mention that teleportation could be removed, or at least limited, so I didn't necessarily argue you couldn't teleport.
/town spawn
I think that if this was allowed, then it should be in the current state it is in now: only teleportation to one's own town, not to others, as that defeats the purpose of linking towns with paths and such, since no one would care to take a path to another town when they can just teleport there. It's convenient for when you forget something, but I suppose that's really a matter of whether you're a person who forgets things or not that determines whether if you'd more for or against this. I'm personally one who likes to plan things out for a trip and take off rather than not thinking something through and having to teleport back and forth 3 times because I keep forgetting things.
Exploration-wise, I don't think it will dampen the want to explore. The only form of teleportation I think would hinder exploration would be the example mentioned earlier-- teleporting directly to the ends of the map.
/tpa (other players)
This I would agree could be useful in continuing to collaborate on projects without having to spend 20 minutes going each way to reach someone and come back, which may be a discouragement to collaborating. I don't think this will greatly hinder the tendency to create paths between places, as you will usually establish more official paths between places you visit more frequently, rather than doing a random exploration or mining trip you want a buddy to tag along with.
I personally would not mind making a trip to someone as it's fun to journey, but that's my opinion.
I feel that if we allow teleporting to spawn, that would greatly hinder the urge to make wonderful paths branching out from spawn other than to do it just because.
If we do something such as have a nether portal only at spawn that works to go into the nether for resources and such, then having the ability to /spawn and /town spawn would destroy the reason to make a path between the two locations to go to the nether.
/home & /homeset
Standard vanilla bed mechanics could take care of this conditionally, since that is *the* original /homeset in event of death. However, you wouldn't be able to just /home to your bed... it's more of a security in the fact that you won't have to walk 3000 blocks to your stuff where you died.