- What's on Your Programming/Cemetech/Projects To-Do List?
- 27 Oct 2014 09:29:07 pm
- Last edited by KermMartian on 27 Oct 2014 09:39:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
Every summer, I start a topic here where people talk about what they want to get done that summer with programming, hardware, technology, school, and so on. The topic from this summer certainly helped keep me on-track, and I hope it helped the rest of you as well. I thought it might be fun to keep a year-round sort of To-Do topic, to help us all keep track of our many project ideas and how we're doing on them. I'll start us off.
:: Finish Graph3DC for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition. I got stuck at the part where I needed to implement zooming in and out, converting between TI floats and 16-bit 8.8 fixed-point numbers with intelligent scaling, and inputting equations, but I hope it'll come back around on my queue soon.
:: Find the remaining CALCnet BASIC bugs on the non-TI-83+ calculators, test out Doors CS 7.3 with these fixes, and release.
:: Implement CALCnet and CALCnet BASIC on the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition in Doors CSE, add at least a CopyBytes call to C2CSE, and release Doors CSE 8.2.
:: Port/Finish M-Game to/for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition, alone or with others.
:: Write SimVille for the TI-84+CSE, alone or with others.
:: Make some kind of progess on the long-suffering SparseWorld project.
:: Finish my ArduinoTILP library, including a demo that will let you press a button on the Arduino to control the calculator, and press a button on the calculator to control an LED.
:: Create a lesson plan teaching rudimentary programming and electronics using the TI-83+/TI-84+/TI-84+CSE and an Arduino, built around the ArduinoTILP library.
:: Create a series of 3-5 lesson plans, each for a ~45-minute class period, teaching basic (TI-BASIC) programming with "Programming the TI-83 Plus/TI-84 Plus" for a project I'm working on with our friends.
:: Port Zombie Apocalypse Part II to the TI-84+CSE
:: Port Science Friction to the TI-84+CSE
:: Port Body of Evidence to the TI-84+CSE
:: Finish resolving Contest #12 stuff
:: Start Contest #13 around mid-November
:: Interface the CC3200 Launchpad generously provided by TI non-Education to a TI calculator and do cool stuff with it.
:: Experiment with the op-amp wrist-glove concept.
:: Make a series of videos based on "Using the TI-83 Plus/TI-84 Plus" exerpting specific examples.
:: Find out what happened with my long-suffering Appendix D to "Programming"
:: Write proposal for new (non-calculator) book
:: Finish Graph3DC for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition. I got stuck at the part where I needed to implement zooming in and out, converting between TI floats and 16-bit 8.8 fixed-point numbers with intelligent scaling, and inputting equations, but I hope it'll come back around on my queue soon.
:: Find the remaining CALCnet BASIC bugs on the non-TI-83+ calculators, test out Doors CS 7.3 with these fixes, and release.
:: Implement CALCnet and CALCnet BASIC on the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition in Doors CSE, add at least a CopyBytes call to C2CSE, and release Doors CSE 8.2.
:: Port/Finish M-Game to/for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition, alone or with others.
:: Write SimVille for the TI-84+CSE, alone or with others.
:: Make some kind of progess on the long-suffering SparseWorld project.
:: Finish my ArduinoTILP library, including a demo that will let you press a button on the Arduino to control the calculator, and press a button on the calculator to control an LED.
:: Create a lesson plan teaching rudimentary programming and electronics using the TI-83+/TI-84+/TI-84+CSE and an Arduino, built around the ArduinoTILP library.
:: Create a series of 3-5 lesson plans, each for a ~45-minute class period, teaching basic (TI-BASIC) programming with "Programming the TI-83 Plus/TI-84 Plus" for a project I'm working on with our friends.
:: Port Zombie Apocalypse Part II to the TI-84+CSE
:: Port Science Friction to the TI-84+CSE
:: Port Body of Evidence to the TI-84+CSE
:: Finish resolving Contest #12 stuff
:: Start Contest #13 around mid-November
:: Interface the CC3200 Launchpad generously provided by TI non-Education to a TI calculator and do cool stuff with it.
:: Experiment with the op-amp wrist-glove concept.
:: Make a series of videos based on "Using the TI-83 Plus/TI-84 Plus" exerpting specific examples.
:: Find out what happened with my long-suffering Appendix D to "Programming"
:: Write proposal for new (non-calculator) book