I could use a little bit of help: So, I tried using Unknownloner's reference to half res, but I am getting a crashed calculator when I try to use it. Here is the code:
Code: #include ti84pcse.inc
.org userMem-2
.db $EF,$69
ld a,1
out ($20),a ; 15MGHZ Speed
out ($10),a
out ($10),a
ld a,%00000100 ;bit 10 set
out ($11),a
xor a ;a = 0 for low bits
out ($11),a
ld a,7
out ($10),a
out ($10),a
ld a,%00110001 ;Enable both partial images
out ($11),a
ld a,%01001100 ;Default values for low bits
out ($11),a
ld a,$80 ;Img 1 disp position
out ($10),a
out ($10),a
xor a ;Display position of first img = 0
out ($11),a
out ($11),a
ld a,$83 ;Img 2 disp position
out ($10),a
out ($10),a
xor a ;MSB should be 0 since 160 < 256
out ($11),a
ld a,160 ;Display position of second img = 160
out ($11),a
ld a,$81 ;Img 1 start line
out ($10),a
out ($10),a
xor a
out ($11),a
out ($11),a
ld a,$84 ;Img 2 start line
out ($10),a
out ($10),a
xor a
out ($11),a
out ($11),a
ld de,159 ;End lines for partial images
ld c,$10
ld a,$82 ;Img 1 end line
out ($10),a
out ($10),a
out (c),d
out (c),e
ld a,$85 ;Img 2 end line
out ($10),a
out ($10),a
out (c),d
out (c),e
ld a,1 ; Disable Interlacing
out ($10),a
out ($10),a
xor a
out ($11),a
out ($11),a
ld a,7
out ($10),a
out ($10),a
ld a,%00000001 ;Disable both partial images
out ($11),a
ld a,%01001100 ;Default values for low bits
out ($11),a
ld hl,cmdShadow
ld (hl),' '
ld de,cmdShadow+1
ld bc,259
ld hl,textShadow
ld (hl),' '
ld de,textShadow+1
ld bc,259
I was thinking this would simply return to the home screen, but I just get a blank screen.