Beta 8 is out (and 1.0 is coming very very soon, in the next week or at most in the beginning of July).
Changes and new features:
- Console scrollback: press Shift and then the Up or Down key to enter scrolling mode, then use Up and Down to scroll and any other key to leave scrolling mode;
- UI elements updated to latest version (from Utilities), script browser items are now sorted by name, icons are brought in from OS;
- Different symbol at beginning of new command line (people mistook it for a "greater than" symbol);
- Bracket highlighting on command entry;
- Allow for drawing multiple graphs at once (use e.g. do(draw(x),draw(x^2)) );
- Better 'random' command (random output range changed!);
- new 'finetiming' command, reads a TMU register. Useful for measuring execution speed. Simon says the register ticks every 20 uS.
- Important UI/UX changes:
-> no more catalog on F1, use Shift+4 or Shift+Menu then select the first option;
-> no more "Load script" on F2, use Shift+Menu then select the second option;
-> F1 and F2 are available for user customization;
- Possibly faster console rendering;
- Support for pasting from system clipboard (Shift+9);
- Support for copying current command entry or last result to clipboard (Shift+8 );
- A bit more heap available for Eigenmath (command history now lives on the stack, please report any anomalies with command history);
- Help on all catalog functions, accessible from the catalog;
- Ported a limit-solving function from SMIB (a fork of Eigenmath based on old code which has lots of functions, so many that SMIB as-is wouldn't work on the Prizm). Works
really poorly, and when it doesn't error, often gives wrong results. Not my fault. Do not use. You were warned.
- Many bug fixes and small improvements.
As always, comment and complain
PS: after 1.0 comes out, I couldn't care less of where you redistribute it (as it happens with Utilities). Before that, you are also free to redistribute it whenever and wherever you want under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 license... which doesn't mean that I like having you do it, especially if you don't keep your mirror/friends/whatever updated when I release new betas. It also makes much harder to track downloads* and have important fixes spread quickly.
Also note that my download links do not require registration, do not have captchas to complete or any other burden, have 99.9% uptime (in fact, if the links went down it'd mean far more serious problems), with servers and domains being paid well in advance and without risk of defaulting.
So having other people mirror the downloads is not a priority, and if the downloads ever go down, I'm sure someone will have the binaries to re-upload - but only by that time.
*important, because in the case of a serious problem that can harm calculators, as was once thought could be the case with Utilities (and nobody's really sure if it was or not), knowing the amount of downloads allows for estimating how many devices are affected.