Not until someone makes a multi-line text editor I can put in the add-in.
In fact, any standalone text editor for the Prizm would do, the problem is that there's isn't one yet and I don't know how to make one.
Maybe you could make a macro recorder so that when you press record, each line entered afterwards is recorded until you press stop, which saves to file (user would be prompted for filename). Of course a cancel button would probably be good too.
That's another good idea. However, with school starting Monday I don't know if I will have time to implement it.
gbl08ma wrote:
That's another good idea. However, with school starting Monday I don't know if I will have time to implement it.
Ah, ok, understood.
The source code for this port is now available at:
Beta 6 is out, and I hope flyingfisch likes it
New features:
Script recorder
The recorder allows you to create scripts on-calc.
Simply type "record" and press EXE, and Eigenmath will start recording.
The commands you type (no matter if they have syntax errors or not) will run, as usual, but they will also be recorded, up to a maximum of 200 commands. To stop the recording and save your new script (or discard it), issue "record" again, and either press EXE to discard the recording, or type the name for the script and press EXE to save it.
You can now load your new script by pressing F2 and selecting it, as you would do with any other.
eActivity strip
As requested, Eigenmath is now also an eActivity strip. You can assign a script to a certain strip, and it will run when the user opens the strip. To assign a script, insert a Eigenmath strip, open it, press Shift+Vars, then read the message and EXIT. Select a script.
The script will be copied to the strip memory (increasing the size of the eActivity). You can now delete the script from the storage memory, if you want: it won't matter as it was copied into the strip, and so the strip will continue to run that script even on another calculator (as long as it has Eigenmath installed too).
Download at the same address:
PS: flyingfisch, I hope you enjoy your new text "editor"
gbl08ma wrote:
Not until someone makes a multi-line text editor I can put in the add-in.
In fact, any standalone text editor for the Prizm would do, the problem is that there's isn't one yet and I don't know how to make one.
I started one about a year ago. But it was getting very hard at the first at the beginning. The PRIZM's own built-in text input functions aren't well documented, I succeeded to find out the meaning of some parameters but it needed very much testing so I lost my motivation. But I can continue my work when it's necessary
gbl08ma: loving the macro editor
Great to know you like it. If you have any more feature suggestions, post.
Hi Gbl08ma, a member transmitted me that you have not appreciated to found your program on Planet-Casio. We do not want to take your job but only but only to allow non-english people to know it. I deleted him. Sorry for the inconvenience and good luck with your projects
I have no problem with people posting about my software on other forums, just as long as the download link is the one I provide here (usually a link). Please do not host the downloads yourself without permission, especially in the case of Beta software. Thanks.
No problem, we will be more careful. For info, we can't posted a program without files, but maybe in a future upgrade, it will be possible. I noticed this suggestion to the other administrators.
Idea for an update: When the cursor is at the end of the line and the user presses [>], have the cursor move back to the beginning of the string. Just an idea.
flyingfisch wrote:
Idea for an update: When the cursor is at the end of the line and the user presses [>], have the cursor move back to the beginning of the string. Just an idea.
I think I have it implemented already, it's just not released yet.
I'm a calculus 1 student and currently trying to understand implicit differentiation. I put your program on my calculator to help me understand the solutions. Two things I noticed when trying to figure out how to work the program.
1. irrational number e, eulers number shows as "exp(". I thought I read in a thread that someone suggested it be this, but I think it should be outputting as "e^(". It seems that when I just type "e" the program understands it to be eulers number, but in the output it shows "exp(".
For example, "d(e^(3x)" should output 3e^(3x), but outputs 3*exp(3*x).
I see how this basically means the same thing, but it gets confusing when there are multiple "e" in an equation.
2. ln, natural log is of course the log of base "e". Again, when i punch this button, it outputs "log(". in the regular casio software this is for the log button. I think the use of "log(" is a little ambiguous and weird things happen when i try to just type "log(e)". BUT, if i type out "ln" the software returns a correct answer.
3. log (10^(x)) button does some strange things, or at lest in my understanding. It seems that when i press it, instead of just outputting "log(" or shift press outputting "10^(" it seems to take the previous output and change the log base of it, or something. It's hard to tell really what it's doing, but I fully admit that I might just not understand what it is designed to do.
Lastly, the question I had. I am currently trying to wrap my mind around implicit differentiation in my class. I'm having a hard time doing so. Up until now, I was able to supplement my education with khanacademy, and am doing so for implicit differentiation. My question is, is this program supposed to support this? Or it will? I'm having difficulty understanding this concept, but hopefully will soon. The reason I ask is because it seems that other CAS programs have this, and the eigenmath site shows it as "d(f,x,y)" yet I can't seem to get it to work in your program.
Ok, thanks and I'll check back later!
mrfamilyguy45 wrote:
1. irrational number e, eulers number shows as "exp(". I thought I read in a thread that someone suggested it be this, but I think it should be outputting as "e^(". It seems that when I just type "e" the program understands it to be eulers number, but in the output it shows "exp(".
For example, "d(e^(3x)" should output 3e^(3x), but outputs 3*exp(3*x).
I see how this basically means the same thing, but it gets confusing when there are multiple "e" in an equation.
This is how Eigenmath works with the euler number, I can't do anything about it.
2. ln, natural log is of course the log of base "e". Again, when i punch this button, it outputs "log(". in the regular casio software this is for the log button. I think the use of "log(" is a little ambiguous and weird things happen when i try to just type "log(e)". BUT, if i type out "ln" the software returns a correct answer.
The "log" command in Eigenmath is base e, so it is Casio's ln. That's why I put it on the ln key, and that's why the log key does nothing by default. You can implement logab yourself, and from there implement base-10 log. See the suggested start-up script (it seems you already have it, based on what you said next:).
3. log (10^(x)) button does some strange things, or at lest in my understanding. It seems that when i press it, instead of just outputting "log(" or shift press outputting "10^(" it seems to take the previous output and change the log base of it, or something. It's hard to tell really what it's doing, but I fully admit that I might just not understand what it is designed to do.
If you have the default start-up script enabled, pressing the "log" key will do a log10 on the last result. So if you want the log10 of 5, type 5, then EXE, then press the log key. The same is true for other functions not defined on Eigenmath but defined on the start-up script (functions assigned to custom keys can only work with the last result).
Lastly, the question I had. I am currently trying to wrap my mind around implicit differentiation in my class. I'm having a hard time doing so. Up until now, I was able to supplement my education with khanacademy, and am doing so for implicit differentiation. My question is, is this program supposed to support this? Or it will? I'm having difficulty understanding this concept, but hopefully will soon. The reason I ask is because it seems that other CAS programs have this, and the eigenmath site shows it as "d(f,x,y)" yet I can't seem to get it to work in your program.
I don't know implicit derivatives, but based on what I just looked up and tried, Eigenmath apparently can't do them. You may want to try to contact the original author, because if the desktop version can do it, this Prizm port can as well.
Ya, I searched for hours today trying to figure out how to make it work. Though i find some documentation talking about
"d(fx),x,y this is deriv of f with respect to x and y" when I tryi it different ways it doesn't work.
I even found a .pdf that talks about
"on older ti calcs you can declare a function
(- (d/dxx)(uu))/((d/dyy)(uu)) -> impdif(uu,xx,yy)"
and somehow magically this works. I tried manually doing this, but I can't figure it out. I guess owell and thanks for the responses of my previous questions.
I'm a student and I have this Eigenmath add in on my calc.
I have to say it's very good !!!
But It would be good to make it more powerful by adding :
-an equation solver
-the limits
- A multiple equation solver
I know it's a hard job but I'm sure you can find some source codes on the net (Giac for example)
I hope you will add these to the actual add in and make a Beta 7 version of Eigenmath !!
I can't mix Eigenmath sources with Xcas/Giac code, as they are incompatible (from an end-user perspective and from the code perspective). You'll need to keep using SolveN, which of course is not a symbolic solver. And for the limits you'll need to keep looking at the graphs.
I have thought of developing some Eigenmath scripts to solve limits, especially indeterminate forms, but there are simply too many cases and no script would be fail-proof. Solving indeterminate forms relies on tricks that would be hard to teach Eigenmath. Even Wolfram|Alpha has trouble explaining how to solve certain limits (and often uses L'Hopital's rule, which I can't use because I don't know how to differentiate logarithmic and exponential functions, and when I learn, it will be based on limits calculus, so... Catch-22).
With that said, Eigenmath can be used for example to find function parity. I suppose it will also get handy to calculate derivatives. However, things more complex than that are not really feasible. Eigenmath can't even take roots of anything other than polynomials, so for solving equations it is really weak. I have looked at the code and making a function to "solve expression with regards to Y" is not very easy.
In my class, Eigenmath's killer application has been to solve and confirm lengthy binomial expansions... few people know how to use it much further, and for people who can think quick and have math "at the tip of their fingers" there's not much use for it. For many people, it's hard to type lengthy expressions in Eigenmath, because natural display is not supported (people have gotten used to it, and now can't track parentheses or respect priority anymore). Also, Eigenmath's "natural display" is not ideal, and has a way to express roots that's awkward to most students (it uses powers instead of the root symbol), while simultaneously not simplifying certain expressions with exponents.
Next version of this Eigenmath port will probably be 1.0, and will include a new graphing function and a new command to generate a random number. It will also have stability fixes for when saving scripts. Not much more, as far as I can remember.
Will the graphing be fast or will it draw it slowish like the graphing add-in?
Looking forward to the update.