- shop.lego.com cookies screw up pricing, display same region
- 04 Feb 2014 12:24:04 am
- Last edited by elfprince13 on 04 Feb 2014 01:38:18 am; edited 4 times in total
Update: It appears to be some kind of horrific site bug that randomly displays prices from other countries without changing your display country until checkout. I'd still appreciate your assistance getting Lego's attention, but looks like nothing untoward is going on.
As a longtime user and promoter of LEGO toys and products, I've often tried to dispel the belief that LEGO products are overpriced. Compared to every other building toy with which I'm familiar, LEGO's tight manufacturing tolerances and overall quality of product should make for an easy sell. I often advise others on the general rule of thumb that LEGO sets should generally be priced around $0.10 per piece in the set, and I personally find this to be very reasonable.
So imagine my surprise when I hear from several sources that they are seeing LEGO sets priced at an additional 60% or more above that point. My first reaction was that they must be purchasing from disreputable sellers or that there is some other mix-up; and for peace of mind, I visited the LEGO Shop website myself, and verified that all of the prices I was seeing fell within a small margin of error of the aforementioned $0.10 / piece rule of thumb. However, after several further interchanges I discovered that the greatly inflated prices were also being displayed on the LEGO Shop website, and that they merely were not being displayed to me.
After further experimentation I managed to trigger the differential pricing in my own browser, and it appears to be cookie based, though -I-'-m- -n-o--t- -y-e-t- --s-u-r-e- -w--h-i-c-h- -c-o-o-k-i-e-s- -a--r-e- -u-s-e-d- -f-o-r- -p-r--o-f-i-l-i-n-g-,- -a-s- -I-'-m-- -n-o-t- -l-o-g-g-e-d- -i-n- -t-o- -t--h-e- -L-e-g-o- -s-i-t-e-- --- -b-u-t- -I- -s-u-s-p-e--c-t --t-h-a-t- -t-h-e-y-- -a-r-e- -A--d-o-b-e-/-O--m-n-i-t-u-r--e-'-s- -S-i-t-e-C-a--t-a-l-y-s-t- -c-o-o-k-i-e-s-,- -a--s- -S-i-t-e-C-a-t-a-l--y-st- -a-p-p-e-a--r-s- -t-o- -b-e- -t-h-e- -o-n-l-y- -e-x-t-e-r-n-a-l -s-c--r-i-p-t-s- -l-o-a-d-e-d-.
I have included several images as a reference to confirm these findings. -G-i-v-e-n- -t-h-e- -s-i-g-n-i-f-i-c--a-n-t- -t-i-m-e----l-a-g- -i-n- -t-h-e-s-e- -i--n-v-e-s-t-i-g-a-t-i-o-n-s-,- -i-t- --d-o-e-s- -n-o-t- -a-p-p-e-a-r- -t-h--a-t- -t-h-e-s-e- --a-r-e- -s-h-o-r-t----t-e-r-m- -e-x-p-e-r-i-m-e-n-t--s-,- -a-n-d- -I- -b-e-l-i-e-v-e- -t-h--e-y- -m-a-y- -b-e- -i-n- -v-i-o-l-a--t-i-o-n- -o-f- -R-o-b-i-n-s-o-n---P-a-t-m-a-n- -A-c-t- - (-a-s- -w-a-s- -t-h-e- -c-a-s-e- -w--i-t-h- -A-m-a-z-o-n- -n-e--a-r-l-y- -1-5- -y-e-a-r-s- -a-g-o- - -I- -w-o-u-l-d- -h--a-v-e- -t-h-o-u-g-h-t- -c-o-m-p-a-n--i-e-s- -w-o-u-l-d- --h-a-v-e- -l--e-a-r-n-e-d- -n-o-t- -t--r-y- -t-h-i-s- -s-t--u-f-f- -a-n-y-m-o-r-e-)-.
September 2013
Marked Up
markedup1 by elfprince13, on Flickr
markedup2 by elfprince13, on Flickr
Unmarked Up
unmarkedup1 by elfprince13, on Flickr
unmarkedup2 by elfprince13, on Flickr
unmarkedup3 by elfprince13, on Flickr
January 2014
Marked Up
markedup-rancor by elfprince13, on Flickr
Unmarked Up
unmarkedup-rancor by elfprince13, on Flickr
February 2014
Marked Up
markedup-swnew by elfprince13, on Flickr
Unmarked Up
unmarkedup-swnew by elfprince13, on Flickr
side-by-side by elfprince13, on Flickr
-I-n- -s-h-a-r-i-n-g- -t-h--i-s-,- -I- -d-o- -n-o-t- --w-i-s-h- -t-o- -d-a-m-a-g-e- --L-e-g-o- -a-s- -a- -c-o-m-p-a-n-y-,-- -b-e-c-a-u-s-e- -I- --l-o-v-e- -t-h-e-i-r- -p-r-o-d-u-c-t-s-.- -B-u-t- -I-- -d-o- -w-i-s-h- -t-o- -s-e-n-d- -a- -m-e-s-s-a--g-e- -t-h-a-t- -t-h-e-s-e- -a-c-t-i-o-n--s --ar-e-- u-n-e-t-h--i-c-a-l-,- -a-n-d- -p-r-e--v-e-n-t- -l-e-s------s---w-a-r-y- -c-o--n-s-u-m-e-r-s- -f-r-o-m- -b-e-i-n-g- -h-u-r-t- -b-y- -t-h-e--s-e- -s-a-m-e- -p-r-a-c-t-i-c--e-s-.
Any help you all can provide in publicizing this would be beneficial. I'll be tweeting to Lego's corporate account, retweets to get their attention would be in order if you have a Twitter account. If any of you have press contacts who could help, I'd appreciate that as well.
It appears to be some kind of horrific site bug that randomly displays prices from other countries without changing your display country until checkout. I'd still appreciate your assistance getting Lego's attention, but looks like nothing untoward is going on.
As a longtime user and promoter of LEGO toys and products, I've often tried to dispel the belief that LEGO products are overpriced. Compared to every other building toy with which I'm familiar, LEGO's tight manufacturing tolerances and overall quality of product should make for an easy sell. I often advise others on the general rule of thumb that LEGO sets should generally be priced around $0.10 per piece in the set, and I personally find this to be very reasonable.
So imagine my surprise when I hear from several sources that they are seeing LEGO sets priced at an additional 60% or more above that point. My first reaction was that they must be purchasing from disreputable sellers or that there is some other mix-up; and for peace of mind, I visited the LEGO Shop website myself, and verified that all of the prices I was seeing fell within a small margin of error of the aforementioned $0.10 / piece rule of thumb. However, after several further interchanges I discovered that the greatly inflated prices were also being displayed on the LEGO Shop website, and that they merely were not being displayed to me.
After further experimentation I managed to trigger the differential pricing in my own browser, and it appears to be cookie based, though -I-'-m- -n-o--t- -y-e-t- --s-u-r-e- -w--h-i-c-h- -c-o-o-k-i-e-s- -a--r-e- -u-s-e-d- -f-o-r- -p-r--o-f-i-l-i-n-g-,- -a-s- -I-'-m-- -n-o-t- -l-o-g-g-e-d- -i-n- -t-o- -t--h-e- -L-e-g-o- -s-i-t-e-- --- -b-u-t- -I- -s-u-s-p-e--c-t --t-h-a-t- -t-h-e-y-- -a-r-e- -A--d-o-b-e-/-O--m-n-i-t-u-r--e-'-s- -S-i-t-e-C-a--t-a-l-y-s-t- -c-o-o-k-i-e-s-,- -a--s- -S-i-t-e-C-a-t-a-l--y-st- -a-p-p-e-a--r-s- -t-o- -b-e- -t-h-e- -o-n-l-y- -e-x-t-e-r-n-a-l -s-c--r-i-p-t-s- -l-o-a-d-e-d-.
I have included several images as a reference to confirm these findings. -G-i-v-e-n- -t-h-e- -s-i-g-n-i-f-i-c--a-n-t- -t-i-m-e----l-a-g- -i-n- -t-h-e-s-e- -i--n-v-e-s-t-i-g-a-t-i-o-n-s-,- -i-t- --d-o-e-s- -n-o-t- -a-p-p-e-a-r- -t-h--a-t- -t-h-e-s-e- --a-r-e- -s-h-o-r-t----t-e-r-m- -e-x-p-e-r-i-m-e-n-t--s-,- -a-n-d- -I- -b-e-l-i-e-v-e- -t-h--e-y- -m-a-y- -b-e- -i-n- -v-i-o-l-a--t-i-o-n- -o-f- -R-o-b-i-n-s-o-n---P-a-t-m-a-n- -A-c-t- - (-a-s- -w-a-s- -t-h-e- -c-a-s-e- -w--i-t-h- -A-m-a-z-o-n- -n-e--a-r-l-y- -1-5- -y-e-a-r-s- -a-g-o- - -I- -w-o-u-l-d- -h--a-v-e- -t-h-o-u-g-h-t- -c-o-m-p-a-n--i-e-s- -w-o-u-l-d- --h-a-v-e- -l--e-a-r-n-e-d- -n-o-t- -t--r-y- -t-h-i-s- -s-t--u-f-f- -a-n-y-m-o-r-e-)-.
September 2013
Marked Up
markedup1 by elfprince13, on Flickr
markedup2 by elfprince13, on Flickr
Unmarked Up
unmarkedup1 by elfprince13, on Flickr
unmarkedup2 by elfprince13, on Flickr
unmarkedup3 by elfprince13, on Flickr
January 2014
Marked Up
markedup-rancor by elfprince13, on Flickr
Unmarked Up
unmarkedup-rancor by elfprince13, on Flickr
February 2014
Marked Up
markedup-swnew by elfprince13, on Flickr
Unmarked Up
unmarkedup-swnew by elfprince13, on Flickr
side-by-side by elfprince13, on Flickr
-I-n- -s-h-a-r-i-n-g- -t-h--i-s-,- -I- -d-o- -n-o-t- --w-i-s-h- -t-o- -d-a-m-a-g-e- --L-e-g-o- -a-s- -a- -c-o-m-p-a-n-y-,-- -b-e-c-a-u-s-e- -I- --l-o-v-e- -t-h-e-i-r- -p-r-o-d-u-c-t-s-.- -B-u-t- -I-- -d-o- -w-i-s-h- -t-o- -s-e-n-d- -a- -m-e-s-s-a--g-e- -t-h-a-t- -t-h-e-s-e- -a-c-t-i-o-n--s --ar-e-- u-n-e-t-h--i-c-a-l-,- -a-n-d- -p-r-e--v-e-n-t- -l-e-s------s---w-a-r-y- -c-o--n-s-u-m-e-r-s- -f-r-o-m- -b-e-i-n-g- -h-u-r-t- -b-y- -t-h-e--s-e- -s-a-m-e- -p-r-a-c-t-i-c--e-s-.
Any help you all can provide in publicizing this would be beneficial. I'll be tweeting to Lego's corporate account, retweets to get their attention would be in order if you have a Twitter account. If any of you have press contacts who could help, I'd appreciate that as well.
It appears to be some kind of horrific site bug that randomly displays prices from other countries without changing your display country until checkout. I'd still appreciate your assistance getting Lego's attention, but looks like nothing untoward is going on.