No, this isn't a project, though I have actually thought out a way to do it in BASIC, I'm not sure it'd be fast enough to work. It'd not be overly different from the BASIC version I created for the 83+/84+ a long time ago.
The thought is, how should BASIC programs be able to quickly display sprites. Before, we didn't have to think about colors, it was just on and off.
Would it not be best for us to use hex, but more along the lines of what color a pixel gets turned into?
My idea for a BASIC version was to have 1-15 equated to hex values. That way, it would be 9+hex value to turn on the pixel to the proper color. Of course, an asm version would be slightly different, but we could essentially use the same principal. And we could have a character, like theta, to tell the sprite display tool that it is an end of a row, to start back at the first column of the next, so optimizations could be made.
I really don't know how sprites are displayed on color screens, hence my throwing this out there.
How good of an idea is this? Is this something our illustrious team of ASM experts that have a CSE could get done? :p
Also, for possible inputs:
Str9: Hex string of sprite data
|LSPR: elements 1 and 2 are the dimensions of the sprite, for varying sizes, 3 and 4 for X and Y starting coordinates
The thought is, how should BASIC programs be able to quickly display sprites. Before, we didn't have to think about colors, it was just on and off.
Would it not be best for us to use hex, but more along the lines of what color a pixel gets turned into?
My idea for a BASIC version was to have 1-15 equated to hex values. That way, it would be 9+hex value to turn on the pixel to the proper color. Of course, an asm version would be slightly different, but we could essentially use the same principal. And we could have a character, like theta, to tell the sprite display tool that it is an end of a row, to start back at the first column of the next, so optimizations could be made.
I really don't know how sprites are displayed on color screens, hence my throwing this out there.
How good of an idea is this? Is this something our illustrious team of ASM experts that have a CSE could get done? :p
Also, for possible inputs:
Str9: Hex string of sprite data
|LSPR: elements 1 and 2 are the dimensions of the sprite, for varying sizes, 3 and 4 for X and Y starting coordinates