Ok, i have a question about C++. for the final we are supposed to write a terminal program to play craps. (Casino game) I am not sure how i am going to make the dice animation, it was not needed. i just felt liek adding it. How could i make like a .3 second pause between each roll? Example in pseduo code
i mostly just want it so it will cycle nicely. and the system("cls") wont make it jumpy i hope...
I could use for loops to determine speed of the pause, but that will change by system. I have a slower system and my teacher has a fast one. so not sure how well that would work.
also what would replace system("CLS") in linux? I know that is only the windows clear screen (if i understodd him right)
write the pic for 1 on a dice "*"
short pause
write the pic for 2 on a dice
short pause
i mostly just want it so it will cycle nicely. and the system("cls") wont make it jumpy i hope...
I could use for loops to determine speed of the pause, but that will change by system. I have a slower system and my teacher has a fast one. so not sure how well that would work.
also what would replace system("CLS") in linux? I know that is only the windows clear screen (if i understodd him right)