Let me add a note that SourceCoder will churn out hex for sprites for you given images of the sprites that you want converted:
Another option is Merthsoft's excellent Tokens program.
Can you edit 16x16 sprites with Tokens? And where can I download it from?
Ok I have another question. Does Axe have support for CalcNet or even gCn and vice versa?
Axe doesn't have support for CALCnet. Some people have tried to make CALCnet axioms for Axe, but none have been completed yet. Also, any program that uses CALCnet will work over gCn as well, since it's completely transparent to the calculators. However, programs like Gossamer and Chat! which use services provided by computer programs won't be able to use those services over CALCnet.

i have a

and using axe v1.1.2 and would like to write a ray casting engine similar to that of the FAT Engine for the TI-89 calculatorss
at this stage it is just a concept (i haven't written any cod yet) but i'm having some trouble understanding some of the concepts of the ray casting engine
mainly the trig is the issue but any

's would be appreciated
really any help anyone could provide would be amazing
Welcome to Cemetech, j-man. Would you care to
Introduce Yourself when you have a chance? I don't think that Axe would be the proper language to use for this personally; I think ASM would be better. For trigonometry, some sort of LUT method would be by far the fastest option. I have some LUT-based code for sin/cos in z80 ASM from my work on Obliterate 1.0, which I'd be happy to share if you need.
i have never been to proficient with even learning ASM
and i know much of the AXE language simply because it is much easyer to learn
if you have some idea to help me learn ASM i am open to any and all suggestions
KermMartian wrote:
Welcome to Cemetech, j-man. Would you care to
Introduce Yourself when you have a chance? I don't think that Axe would be the proper language to use for this personally; I think ASM would be better. For trigonometry, some sort of LUT method would be by far the fastest option. I have some LUT-based code for sin/cos in z80 ASM from my work on Obliterate 1.0, which I'd be happy to share if you need.
Hmm I beg to differ. There are quite some raycasting engines written in Axe. However it'd be cool if someone wrote a good Axiom for raycasting
And as far as I know, those raycasting engine(s) use inline ASM for some of the core math. J-man: I recommend using the
Doors CS SDK for your assembling needs. For an emulator, try PindurTI, WabbitEmu, or the online TI-83+ emulator
jsTIfied. As far as tutorials go, I think that ASM in 28 Days is the best we have at the moment. I don't think you should psyche yourself out and think that ASM is that hard, because it's really not. It's only hard if you make it hard for yourself.
Kerm, this definitely is not true. I think you underestimate Axe, it is capable to do all core math itself. However, of course the raycaster gets a lot faster with inline ASM.
aeTIos wrote:
Kerm, this definitely is not true. I think you underestimate Axe, it is capable to do all core math itself. However, of course the raycaster gets a lot faster with inline ASM.
Of course it is capable, it is just translating down to ASM after all. But there's a difference between capable and "correct tool for the job". You can write a 3D multiplayer sandbox game (cough Minecraft) in Java, but that doesn't mean it is the correct language for that sort of application.
Ok, that's a point you have. Axe is much more "correct tool for the job" when it's about 2d games.
but let us not discuss whether or not Axe is capable to do things and keep this thread for Axe questions ^^
There used to be a Raycaster Axiom in the works by Runer112 that ran much faster than the raycaster he made in Axe (that one ran at about 6 FPS and was not even full screen, if I remember correctly), but I don't remember what happened to it.
Yeah true, should bug him about it sometimes.
Is dynamic memory allocation implemented in Axe (either built-in or in an Axiom)?
blue_bear_94 wrote:
Is dynamic memory allocation implemented in Axe (either built-in or in an Axiom)?
Well, creating temporary appvars counts as that in most senses, so yes.
DJ_O wrote:
There used to be a Raycaster Axiom in the works by Runer112 that ran much faster than the raycaster he made in Axe (that one ran at about 6 FPS and was not even full screen, if I remember correctly), but I don't remember what happened to it.
I poked Runer112 with your post on #cemetech on IRC, and he had the following to say about it (although he doesn't love posting on his own):
[19:06:52] <Runer112> that never happened
[19:07:02] <Runer112> the Axiom, that is
[19:07:07] <Runer112> I did however make a raycaster in Axe
[19:07:10] <Runer112> it was meh
[19:07:16] <Runer112> ran at like 12FPS at 15MHz
Ashbad wrote:
Well, creating temporary appvars counts as that in most senses, so yes.
Then what would be the equivalent of realloc()? Does #Realloc do the same thing?
blue_bear_94 wrote:
Ashbad wrote:
Well, creating temporary appvars counts as that in most senses, so yes.
Then what would be the equivalent of realloc()? Does #Realloc do the same thing?
Well, I haven't used Axe for quite the long time, but if I remember correctly, #Realloc just moves the address of the variables A, B, etc. to correspond to a new location, so no. Something like realloc() would entail manually creating a new appvar, and using Copy( to copy the contents of one appvar into another. Again, haven't used Axe for a while, so there might've been some sort of memory tools axiom or commands added since then. Like with any language, I would suggest you read the documentation, which has a list of commands and their uses.
I've read up alot on Axe, and I have done some fair programming in it.
Are there any included routines to detect input from the usb port? I can see that the link port is fully supported, but there's like next to nothing on the usb port side as far as I can tell.