For once, the government did something right today!
This post was originally titled "teh gheyz dey b ruinin mah maeruj, oh noez", but Tanner wouldn't let it stay.
Tanner: And I'm pretty sure the other mods or higher would agree with it being removed.
This makes me so happy.

I just wish Texas would do the same.
Same here! Tennessee, Texas, and then the rest of the US
Awesome! Good job, New York, good job.
We're now one step closer now, keep the oil burning!
_player1537 wrote:
Same here! Tennessee, Texas, and then the rest of the US

They're more likely to adopt the Klan as a national symbol than to legalize gay marriage...
I know many people, gay and straight, who will be proud that New York was progressive enough to take this step. I'll be interested to hear a calm, reasoned argument from someone who disagrees, though, to see what issues they take with it.
chronomex wrote:
This post was originally titled "teh gheyz dey b ruinin mah maeruj, oh noez", but Tanner wouldn't let it stay.
Tanner: And I'm pretty sure the other mods or higher would agree with it being removed.
So basically, Tanner is censoring based on political views. Isn't this a great place?
allynfolksjr wrote:
chronomex wrote:
This post was originally titled "teh gheyz dey b ruinin mah maeruj, oh noez", but Tanner wouldn't let it stay.
Tanner: And I'm pretty sure the other mods or higher would agree with it being removed.
So basically, Tanner is censoring based on political views. Isn't this a great place?
I support Tanner's opinion; if the title of a formal debate thread can't be decent to the other argument, then it already proves the fought point to be made by people who refuse to respect other opinions and makes the entirety invalid.
This sucks.
I hate the big-government thinking that says the government has any say in what marriage (or any other cultural institution) means to a particular group of people.
So are you suggesting there be no legislation on marriage whatsoever, with no legal idea of it? It'd be ok with that.
merthsoft wrote:
So are you suggesting there be no legislation on marriage whatsoever, with no legal idea of it? It'd be ok with that.
Yes. Fiscal civil union contracts should be available to any group of people who can provide the necessary documentation of cohabitation and shared finances. This would be, essentially, a modern version of the Medieval afrerement/embrotherment. Anything else should be outside the purview of the law.
That I completely agree with. As long as there's no legal definition of marriage at all. If there's a legal definition of marriage that says "a man and a woman" and then two men need to instead get a "fiscal civil union contract", then I'm not ok with that.
merthsoft wrote:
That I completely agree with. As long as there's no legal definition of marriage at all. If there's a legal definition of marriage that says "a man and a woman" and then two men need to instead get a "fiscal civil union contract", then I'm not ok with that.
I hope you're okay with three dudes entering a union contract, or six guys and nine women.
I for one, am against legalizing gay marriage. One: it isn't right, Two: I think it is gross, Three: What if some gay man hypnotizes you and marries you?
1) Why do you think it isn't right? 2) That isn't every person that does what I think you are referring to. 3) What if some weird woman hypnotizes you and marries you?
1) Same-sex marriage 2)? 3) Better than a man.
1) That didn't answer his question. He said why do you think it's wrong.
2) I think guacamole is gross, but I don't think we should make avocados illegal.
3) Well that's just, like, your opinion, man.
1) I mean, what makes it not right in your mind?
2) You said it was gross. I don't see it as that at all, and I'm pretty sure you were talking about something that not every gay couple does (AFAIK).
3) Regardless, you wouldn't want to be in that relationship. I don't see why it being another guy makes it any different, it is still some place that you, specifically, don't want to be in.