lately(say... the past four years or so. possibly coinciding with a certain event), i have lost the capacity to give a sh*t about working (in school or otherwise). this has led to the obvious grade plunge as well as a severe backup in my list of "things to do" (which is now about twenty feet long and includes everything from random things i've wondered about when google was not handy and haven't ever bothered looking up to college requirements which will determine what i end up doing with the rest of my life). also as a result of this, i have been isolated from the rest of my family as the "problem child" and have not had a meaningful conversation with any of them in that time (or maybe closer to "have lost the desire to," because before that my father was always the terrifying character that we had to briefly interact with in order to access our collections of books and other things to hide in). the people i hang around with probably arent conducive either(every one of them has been in to see a therapist on a regular basis[i still havent because my parents a. are miserly and b. refuse to admit there is anything out of the ordinary going on] and have been diagnosed with psychological disorders etc. the one being an emaciated, bisexual, druggy who is slowly killing himself due to a situation similar to my own, his ex-girlfriend(whom i dont even want to go in to here), a fellow who just found out he got 800's on the physics and mathematics SAT subject tests(not that the SAT means anything, as it is written for idiots), has a severe adversion to physical contact of any kind, is severely self-depricating, and who is both my best friend and someone i am very likely to run away from at the first possibility to avoid being constantly reminded of certain things(at the same time, there are things i dont think i could live without. por ejemplo: today, while we were sitting outside reading about boethius[if you dont know him, here is a summary: he said god exists outside of time and the universe and caused everything without causing evil because evil does not exist because it is something that god cannot do because he is perfect and he was the one who made everything and that everybody has freewill but god is the one who controls it] when some idiot dropped an icecream on the ground in direct sunlight and then walked away. i observed, for a while, the rate at which the icecream was melting by checking it at constant intervals and noticed[we were sitting outside for an hour] that the shadow off to one side was changing lengths at an accelerating rate. well duh, the sun[for my purposes, at least, in this situation] was orbiting, so the change in length would start at zero when the sun was at 90 degrees above and then accelerate ad infinitum as it began to set. then [inbetween cracks about schroedinger's "what is life" mentioning nemes/memes] he noticed what i was doing and the rest of the period was spent writing out equations defining the rate of change of the shadow).
for these reasons, among others, over this weekend i have to complete tens of college application essays(after figuring out where it is i am applying, that is), write another essay about boethius(see above), choose a book and read it and plan out how it will fit into my senior thesis paper(a measly 15 pages, but it somehow has to involve socrates[yes, the crazy homeless man who said everyone was wrong] and his fanboy, plato, as well as paradise lost[christian fanfiction] and something else from our terrible curriculum[yay, i get to choose my own torture!]. i came up with a title for this essay, as a side note, which fits absolutely perfectly: "No U!" ), teach myself a quarter's worth of chemistry that i ignored last quarter(not that we learned anything) and then take a test on it monday, learn how to dance(this is actually a plus, but will take time as i am learning the waltz, foxtrot, mambo, and others all with a male lead who is a foot shorter than i am. and yes, this is a school requirement), complete a quarter's worth of math assignments for the same reason as chemistry(although i taught myself the stuff last night because we had a test today, so that's done at least), and start teaching myself all this coding and wiring junk i told myself i would learn in preparation for college but will never actually start. oh, and this all has to be squeezed around 16 hours of work on the weekend as well as my defeatist attitude
enough about me
KeithJohansen wrote:
Not really a "why my life sucks" but more of a "why my life has been annoying lately":
Been working with LEGO Mindstorms NXT kits for Intro to Robotics for those who don't know. One of our lab assignments was making a robot that could avoid obstacles by using its ultrasonic sensor to detect things in front of it. Not that hard unless you're dealing with our inane obstacle course. The floor of the course is slanted and the obstacles are about half the height of a standard NXT robot. This is where the problem came in. If you placed the ultrasonic sensor low enough to detect the obstacles, the data would be skewed by sound waves pinging back off the floor. If you placed the sensor high enough to avoid that, you potentially miss the obstacles completely or get skewed data because the sound waves half ping off the obstacles and half fly off into oblivion.... Yeah, that was an annoying lab to "debug".
could you possible place the censors near the ground and then angle them upwards? it could potentially drastically reduce your ability to detect objects at greater distances, however.(also, keep in mind that i have no clue how the hardware you're using actually works )
_player1537 wrote:
I'm pretty optimistic, but if I was to say what was sucking the most for me, it'd be not having enough ideas for things to do. For instance, I rarely ever have any ideas for things to program and even worse am I when it comes to drawing or photo-shopping. So for many days, I just kind of sit in front of the computer, trying to think of something to make, to hone my skills with, in any of those things. It also bugs me that I end up getting side tracked and go to bed at 12-2ish. I'll say to myself that I'm going to bed in 10 minutes, and then someone shows up with something for me to do, and I do that for a long time :/ (and yeah yeah, I know; I should just go straight to bed, not say I'm going to bed in 10 minutes.) Other than that, I've been ok
just wait, things will pick up considerably(and yet you will still find yourself sitting in front of the computer doing absolutely nothing for hours on end from time to time... and inevitably gravitate back here). in all seriousness, it sounds a bit like a motivation issue. find something you're excited about and everything else will instantly become that much easier and more enjoyable!
maybe try going outside every once and a while(and no, i do not practice what i preach )
allynfolksjr wrote:
KermMartian wrote:
What's a CV joint?
It's where hipsters go to write their CV. Duh.
nikky, you never cease to make me laugh.
a link
EDIT: oh, and the constant ringing in my ears(which had disappeared temporarily for a couple of years) just cropped up again(as in 30 seconds ago). there is a silly story behind that. i was maybe five years old and sitting in a very tall stool behind a counter, leaning back, when i started to slip. i caught myself, but(because of the angle) was unable to pull myself back to a vertical position(insert crack about me being a nerdy five-year-old weakling here ). thus prevented from saving myself, i called for assistance from anybody else who may have been in the house at the time, and, wouldn't you know it, nobody came. i ended up slowly losing my grip and then falling back directly onto my head. also, when i was born the umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck(apparently, i was trying to strangle myself) and it took a while for my face to change back from purple to a normal human shade.