Designer v5
  1. All files
  2. TI-84 Plus CE Programs
  3. TI-84 Plus CE Assembly Programs
  4. TI-84 Plus CE Assembly Graphics Programs


Designer is a pixelart tool which can be used for programming in ICE.
It supports sprites, RLE-transparency-sprites, icons, fonts (including spacing), tilemaps, tilesets and custom colorsets.

Also included:
decimal to hexadecimal to binary
HexColor to HSL to 1555 Colors
default character table


Screenshot #9357 Screenshot #9358

Archive Contents

Name Size
Designer v5/SpriteToPng.html 4.1 KB
Designer v5/DESIGNER_NOCOPY.8xp 35.7 KB
Designer v5/LibLoad.8xv 1.3 KB
Designer v5/GRAPHX.8xv 11.9 KB
Designer v5/FILEIOC.8xv 2.7 KB
Designer v5/DESIGNER.8xp 36.9 KB
Designer v5/ReadMe.txt 3.3 KB
Designer v5/SRC/FLOODSRC.8xp 1.3 KB
Designer v5/SRC/DSGNSRC.8xp 10.6 KB
Designer v5/SRC/DSNOCOPY.8xp 3.1 KB
Designer v5/SRC/DSGNMNU.8xp 4.3 KB
Designer v5/SRC/DSGNDRW.8xp 2.8 KB
Designer v5/SRC/DSGNIMP.8xp 1.1 KB
Designer v5/SRC/DSGNEXP.8xp 2.0 KB
Designer v5/SRC/HSLSRC.8xp 1.6 KB
Designer v5/SRC/DSGNTAB.8xp 2.4 KB
Designer v5/SRC/DSGNSET.8xp 1.4 KB
Designer v5/SRC/DSGNGET.8xp 9.2 KB
Download file
File Size
58.3 KB




Forum Thread


8.3/10 (4 votes)
↳ this version
↳ this version


Designer V5 has got to be the best icon creator I have ever used. Unlike most, that are slow, broken, unintuitive, or require other apps (like Celtic) to run, Designer clearly overdelivers. The ability to create sprites, along with icons, tile maps, fonts, and RLET's is not found in any other program.

I suppose this is a good program, but I don't actually know, because it uses outdated clibs.

There's a download included in the zip but personally I do not want to use those because it will affect other programs I have on my calculator.

The actual program works, so does the color pickers and other things within the program, but the actual designer for icons and sprites does not function.

Is there a way to export the sprite from the calc to a computer as a png file?

This is a very good program, however you should update it to use with the latest clibs, I downgraded mine to use the program, and launched a different program and had to wipe my calculator.

This program is awesome, and it has a ton of nice features and a great UI. I absolutely love it! Great program, great job, and I recommend this for all your spriting needs.

This is definitely the best on-calc sprite editor/creator for the TI 84 Plus CE and TI 83 Premium CE. It even allows you to create and/or edit and save the icons of pre-existing programs! You can save sprite data into whatever type of file you want, and the sprite editor automatically saves your work if you exit the program before saving! Also, the response is very fast and smooth!


  1. Designer v5 (published 3 months, 3 weeks ago; 2024-09-19 11:41 UTC)
  2. Designer v4.7 (published 3 years, 2 months ago; 2021-11-05 16:51 UTC)
  3. Designer v4.6 (published 3 years, 7 months ago; 2021-06-11 13:50 UTC)
  4. Designer v4.5 (published 3 years, 9 months ago; 2021-04-12 09:32 UTC)
  5. Designer v4.4 (published 3 years, 9 months ago; 2021-03-20 13:38 UTC)
  6. Designer v4.3 (published 3 years, 10 months ago; 2021-03-09 11:28 UTC)
